Here's another code for free Pokemon Sword and Shield items as the Wild Area events shift again
10 Heal Balls
by Chris CarterOut with the old, in with the new.
Game Freak has been cycling new micro-Pokemon Sword and Shield events for the past few months, and another one is upon us. This one is a slight change in Wild Area sightings, accompanied by another mystery gift code for some free items. The code is "G1GAGRANF1NALE," and will net you 10 Heal Balls. This promotion follows a string of others that are mostly now defunct, outside of "AREAS1LVESTR" (which is live through February 27) and grants you 10 Premiere Balls.
As for the rest of the story, the Wild Area is shedding Alcremie raids and keeping Appletun, Lapras and Flapple. Instead of the former, sweet treat-counterpart Milcery is mixing in, as well as Star Sweet and Ribbon rewards for raid completion. This particular event will run through February 16, so mark your calendars if you're a hardcore Gigantamax raider.
I'm satisfied with full Galar completion for now: I don't need all those extra forms! [Twitter]