Jason Whitlock Called Out For Kobe Bryant Tribute Despite His Disdain For Him (VIDEO + TWEETS)
by Darrelle LincolnJason Whitlock is one of those people that had been dragging Kobe Bryant through the mud for years, but he switched everything up when he tearfully spoke positively about Kobe Bryant following his tragic passing.
Whitlock and Speak For Yourself co-host Marcellus Wiley were joined by TJ Houshmandzadeh and Jim Jackson on the show 24 hours after Kobe’s passing to reflect on Kobe’s legacy, and Whitlock had nothing but kind words for the late NBA star.
Whitlock actually had tears in his eyes as he spoke highly of the Lakers legend. Many would soon take to Twitter and rightfully call him out for it.
Whitlock famously published an open letter to Kobe on ESPN titled “Kobe, keep your mouth shut” where he used derogatory language to speak not only about Kobe himself, but about his wife, Vanessa.
It’s not just Kobe that Whitlock threw shots at, he has also spoken ill of LeBron James not dealing with “real racism” as well as call out Colin Kaepernick several times for his activism.
His Kobe tribute lets you know he would switch it up if those two were to lose their life.
Many even brought up an old video where Kobe pretty much dismissed Whitlock after he twisted his words during an all-star game: