Doctor cut baby's face during c-section 'because it moved too much'
by Emma BrazellA newborn’s face was reportedly badly cut during a caesarean, with doctors telling the mother the baby ‘shouldn’t have moved so much’.
Darya Kadochnikova, 19, had planned to give birth naturally at a public hospital in the city of Kyshtym in south-western Russia’s Chelyabinsk Oblast region.
Doctors decided a C-section was the safest option when the baby girl changed position, according to local Russian media.
When an epidural anesthesia didn’t work, the young mother was put to sleep with an intravenous anesthesia.

She was ‘shocked’ when she allegedly woke up to find a large cut on her newborn’s face.
Doctors are reported to have told Ms Kadochnikova that her daughter ‘shouldn’t have moved so much’.
The new mum is said to have suffered from high fever following the caesarean.
She is reportedly breastfeeding her baby while on antibiotics.
The hospital is yet to comment on the incident.