Brexit news LIVE – Boris Johnson jokes he’s ‘having a midlife crisis’ as he squeezes into race car
by Brittany VonowBORIS Johnson hopped inside a race car in Sunderland on Brexit Day during a visit to the city's university.
Ahead of the UK officially leaving the EU, the Prime Minister visited The Industry Centre at University of Sunderland.
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- Sascha O'Sullivan6 minutes ago31st January 2020COUNTDOWN TO 11PM Parliament Square is filling up with people celebrating Brexit. Pic: Getty
- Sascha O'Sullivan49 minutes ago31st January 2020BREXIT UNIFORM Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips was very prepared with her outfit for Brexit Day – dressed top to tail in Union Jacks.
- Sascha O'Sullivan59 minutes ago31st January 2020DIFFERENT KIND OF FLAG British apple growers are rejoicing and giving out apples with Union jacks stamped on them to mark the day. The apples have been named by British Apple and pears 'EOS' after the Greek Goddess of dawn.
- Natasha Clark1 hour ago31st January 2020FAREWELL, FLAGS The British flag has gone in the EU's atrium, Nick Gutteridge reports from Brussels. Some of the other ones are set to be taken down later tonight.
- Sascha O'Sullivan2 hours ago31st January 2020TENSIONS FLARING Remainer campaigners have lit flares on Westminster bridge. A banner they have draped over the bridge reads: “Here to stay, here to fight, migrants in, Tories out.” Should someone tell them the news? Pic: BBC
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