Work on 'modern' £2.4m swimming pool to start this spring
by Will JeffordWork on a brand new multi-million pound swimming pool in Hadleigh is due to get underway this spring.
The much-anticipated swimming facilities, which will be built on the site of the existing Hadleigh Pool & Leisure, is now ready for construction work to start in March.
The new development will see a new sauna, spectator seating, changing places, toilets and disabled access built alongside the 25m swimming pool.
To enable final preparations ahead of its demolition later this year, the current pool will close on March 20.
The closure will allow the new pool to be connected to the plant room and a link corridor between the buildings to be constructed.
Hadleigh's new Town Council Manager Andrew McMillan said: "We are very fortunate to have such a good range of leisure options in Hadleigh, and as a growing town we are pleased to invest a significant sum of money in this modern, high quality development.
"The council has been impressed by the professionalism of the development team and the progress of the build. Whilst we understand that residents may be disappointed by the forthcoming closure, it is only temporary and we can all look forward to the grand opening later in the year."
During the leisure centre's closure, other spaces and activities including the gym, group exercise classes and the community and social rooms will continue to remain open throughout the works.
The project is being funded by Babergh District Council who are working with its partner Abbeycroft Leisure to invest £2.4m with £200,000 of funds provided by Hadleigh Town Council and a Sports England grant of £150,000.
Derek Davis, Babergh District Council's cabinet member for communities, said: "It's exciting to see the new pool at Hadleigh really start to take shape to provide new community leisure facilities in Babergh.
"This work takes a huge step in helping our residents of today remain healthy and active.
"While we appreciate any closure can be challenging for residents, closing the pool is an essential step to be able to connect the changing rooms and plant to the new building, enabling us to deliver the new facilities Hadleigh needs - much like the gym, it will be a little short term pain for hopefully, long term gain that benefits everybody."
Tracey Loynds, Development Director for Abbeycroft Leisure, said: "This is obviously a huge project for us and for the people of Hadleigh, which we hope will support the community to get more active."
The swimming pool project is not the only new leisure facility scheduled for Hadliegh in 2020.
Mr McMillan added: "The Town Council is also leading the development of an extension to the skate park that will give our young people more options for healthy, social activities.
"Alongside these projects, our grant programme is delivering other support such as to the Porch Project and to community events throughout the year - all helping to make Hadleigh one of the best family-friendly places in Suffolk."