MDC National Executive makes momentous resolutions
by Luke TamborinyokaThe MDC National Executive today concluded a two-day retreat to chart the way forward. The two-day retreat came on the back of President Advocate Nelson Chamisa's National Agenda 2020 unveiled to Zimbabweans last week.
The National Executive took note of the developments in the country, particularly the suffering among the people and the unwillingness of Zanu PF and Mr. Mnangagwa to have genuine and sincere national dialogue that can poise the nation for stability, democracy and growth. The executive took note of the isolation of the country and the deterioration in the living conditions of the people.
The Executive reaffirmed the party's unstinting pursuit of the national democratic struggle in pursuit of personal security, freedom, transformation and prosperity for all Zimbabweans. The executive strongly reaffirmed that 2020 is the year of action where the people of Zimbabwe will peacefully and constitutionally express themselves in their demand for a return to legitimacy, which is at the core of the national crisis.
In pursuit of the national democratic struggle, the executive formally adopted the Breaking Barriers Initiative meant to create a broad church of united citizens that will sonorously demand a return to legitimacy and a resolution of the festering national crisis.
The National Executive noted that Zimbabwe needs a new liberation and a new independence and the Breaking Barriers Initiative - the broad church of united Zimbabweans---will mobilize and prosecute the five key fights as laid out in President Chamisa's statement to the nation. These include the fight for a true people's government, the fight against corruption in the country, the fight for a better life, the fight for rights, freedoms, to secure citizen security as well as a national fight to defend the national Constitution.
The National Executive deliberated on the party in government (PIG) and resolved that its deployees to Parliament and to local authorities must prudently serve the citizens. The executive reiterated the importance of utmost integrity on MPs and councillors. It is now mandatory for the party's Mayors, Councilors and Members of Parliament to hold regular feedback meetings to their constituencies, failure of which the party will take drastic measures against them.
The main executive organ of the party resolved to intensify its diplomatic campaign to alert SADC, Africa and the broader international community on the dire plight of the people of Zimbabwe. There was also a resolution to embolden and strengthen the base through the supremacy of the branch strategy adopted by Congress.
The National Executive noted the vicious cycle of disputed elections which consistently continues to breed illegitimacy. To this end, the party adopted an alternative Electoral Bill whose principles are anchored on SADC, AU and UN guidelines on the conduct of free and fair elections. The electoral principles include provision for the Diaspora vote as well as a truly impartial elections management body, among other key tenets.
On the whole, the National Executive was strong on the fact that 2020 is the year of action, given the deteriorating social and economic conditions in the country. Only a legitimate people's government will able to solve the dire challenges affecting the people.
Luke Tamborinyoka
Deputy National Spokesperson