(Image credit: Crema Games)

Use this Temtem type breakdown to determine your squad's strengths and weaknesses


Become a top tamer with these Temtem guides

(Image credit: Crema Games)

Temtem starters: pick the best one for you
Temtem evolution: how to evolve your creatures
Temtem Luma: how to find them
Temtem list: all the species we know so far
Temtem Ganki: how to catch the best Temtem in the game.

The best tamers are aware of all Temtem types. CremaGames' MMO features hundreds of creatures that fit into 12 different classes. Types encompass your creature's elemental abilities, while balancing how effective they are against other Temtem. 

Collect new followers while selecting the types that you find most interesting, and learn how to balance your squad. Prepare to shine in battles. It's time to take a look at how Temtem types can complement, or counter each other. 

Every Temtem type and how they work


A Neutral Temtem's comprehensive range of abilities perform reasonably well against most other types. Neutral types don’t have glaring strengths or weakness, apart from their fragility against Mental Temtem.


Fire types can be trickier to control due to their erratic temperaments. Keep them as far away from Water Temtem as possible.   


Water Temtem thrive against Fire, Earth, and Digital creatures, making them a 'solid' addition to any squad. If you’re on the hunt for an amphibious friend to fight your corner, they won’t let you down. 


If you want a balance of offence and defence skills, the Nature type is for you. Botany traits buff your Nature Techniques, but they can also heal allies mid-fight.


Most Electric Temtem overlap across two different types, such as Wind and Water. Building your squad with traits from various types grant some versatility in battles, although there will usually be a compromise.
(Image credit: Crema Games)


Earth Temtem are effectively tanks: they're resistant to a third of the current types and are strong  against many of them, too. 


These mystic entities possess magical abilities and ooze intelligence. They may not have the strongest stance against other types, but they hold their own against Neutral and Melee opponents.


Battles may not be as easy and breezy as you’d hope with Wind Temtem, but they’ll certainly give Toxic types a hard time. Electric creatures are your most feared fow, so try to acquire a dual-type Wind Temtem when constructing a balanced squad.


The rarest of all, Digital types are weakened by their own attack type, oddly. Very few Digital Temtem currently exist so here’s hoping the techie bods at Crema will cook up more soon.
(Image credit: Crema Games)


The type that keeps on swinging. Melee Temtem bullies their inferiors into dust, but can be outsmarted by Mental types. They’ll take a good beating before giving up, though.


Crystal types really are diamonds in the rough to the right tamer, so to speak. Mostly located in the mines of Quetzal, some Crystal Temtem can prevent negative stat changes altogether. 


Toxic types have few weaknesses. Their poison attacks are effective against Water and Nature Temtem, and they can be found roaming freely in Tucma.