Busing fees could double
by Wayne Moore
It could cost parents in the Central Okanagan twice as much to get their student a seat on a school bus.
The board's Transportation Task Force, formed during the 2018-19 school year, has made several recommendations, including a doubling of the annual student busing fee from $225 to $450.
The recommendations will be debated by the planning and facilities committee next Wednesday before being sent to the full board for approval.
The task force says the increase would match what a youth would pay for public transit over 10 months.
The district is projecting to take in $1.5 million for busing this school year, including $600,000 in provincial funding. With operating costs of $4.6 million, the district expects to realize a busing shortfall of $3.16 million.
The district projects operating costs to increase by about $450,000 for the next school year, meaning even with increased fees, the program would still show an operating shortfall of $2.66 million.
During the current school year, of the 5,554 riders, 1,446 were either unpaid or subsidized.
Large families would continue to get a break on fees. There would be a 50 per cent discount for the third and fourth child with no charge for a fifth or additional child in a family.
The task force also recommends changing the deadline to register to May 31, and lowering the walk limits for elementary and middle school students from 3.6 kilometres to 3.0 kilometres.