Northumberland's apprentices aren’t making tea, they’re making history
As part of National Apprenticeship Week, Northumberland County Council is highlighting the value of apprenticeships
by Leena SidatThis year’s National Apprenticeship Week will encourage thousands of people to ‘look beyond’ the outdated stereotypes about apprenticeships. People in all sectors and all areas of the UK are forging their own path into employment, and climbing the career ladder with the help and support of their managers and families.
This week, Northumberland County Council want to show you the real deal with apprenticeships, and how you can find one that’s perfect for you.
Aiming high
Apprenticeships are for people at all levels. You can start on or progress right up to a degree level apprenticeship.
If you’re already employed and think you can improve your knowledge or your chance of progression, then look into a higher level apprenticeship. They are a great way to have the equivalent of a university qualification, with none of the debt.
Ian Sharkey from the Digital Technology Solutions department at Northumberland County Council is studying his degree apprenticeship, and said, "It felt overwhelming at the start, but it was so satisfying when everything started clicking into place. If an opportunity like this comes about, my advice would be to definitely take it."
Getting back on track
Many people think apprenticeships are just for school leavers, or those under 20. This is absolutely not true, anyone can apply for an apprenticeship.
Julie Mills, who worked in a factory for 20 years before getting her apprenticeship, said, "I was scrolling past all these amazing opportunities and discounting them because I thought I was too old for an apprenticeship. I’m so glad the team changed my mind!"
Making a difference
There are thousands of different kinds of apprenticeships, it’s not all desk work.
Northumberland County Council recently recruited 14 new adult social care apprentices, who are doing amazing work caring for people in the community.
There are all sorts of apprenticeships from construction to childcare - keep an eye on www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship to see the different kinds of apprenticeships in your area.

Case studies
Julie Mills
Julie Mills had the surprise of her life when she won National Apprentice of the Year 2019.
Julie said, "I was up against so many other people, all these young lads from big tech companies, I thought there’s no chance I’m going to win. Then they called my name, and I couldn’t believe it! I just hid my face and laughed, I could hardly find my way to the stage!"
Julie recently finished her level 2 apprenticeship at the Northumberland Community Bank and, with the support of the whole team, has now taken a job as a customer services lead.
Julie added, "Before this, I worked in a factory for 20 years, and then I looked after my mother. After that, I struggled to get back into work, but I knew I had to do it to set a good example for my daughter. I thought I couldn’t do an apprenticeship because I was older, but I was wrong! They took me on, and the support I received was fantastic. I can’t say I’ve ever enjoyed anything so much."
Julie and her fellow apprentice Cameron have done so well that the bank has taken on a new apprentice this year.
Julie said, "I would definitely say go for an apprenticeship, it’s the best thing I’ve done. There’s no better way of getting training than hands on, you learn better by doing; it’s changed my life."
George Ridley
George decided to do an apprenticeship to get out of a rut, saying, "My last year of school wasn’t great because I didn’t really enjoy exams, I found it very stressful for my mental health. I really wanted to get stuck into the working environment sooner rather than later, so I tried out an apprenticeship and I’ve never looked back."
George has moved from his level 2 apprenticeship to level 3 in the economic and inclusion policy team at Northumberland County Council.

George said of his work, "I love knowing that I make a difference. You clock off on Friday and you know you’ve supported a team, and you’ve helped people. No matter what you’re doing you’re making a difference for someone."
As someone who was new to the world of work, George wasn’t sure about the apprenticeship at first. He added, "I wasn’t sure it was right for me, but I gave myself a couple of months and then I really got into it and I knew I wanted to stay."
To find out more about apprenticeships with Northumberland County Coucil, visit the website.