Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Everything You Need to Know Before Season 7
by Brenton StewartThe premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' final season draws ever closer, and the closer it gets the less time there is to review everything that's already happened. So far, the Star Wars saga has been through six seasons, and each has been a wild ride. Even for the fans who watched them twice there's plenty of characters, factions and plots to review before the seventh and final season drops.
What started as a project that would explain what took place between the two films, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, soon developed and expanded, creating its own world of characters and plotlines to tease out. Some of those arcs will inevitably conclude in the upcoming season, but which ones?
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It's clear from the promotional material that the Clone Troopers will be a big part of the final season's plot, and it only makes sense given the crucial role that they play in what's to come. Revenge of the Sith cemented the crucial role the Clone Troopers played in Order 66, the event which caused the Great Jedi Purge, and much of Clone Wars fleshes out their tragic arc toward that end.
Multiple arcs throughout the series are devoted to fleshing out the clones as individuals, and viewers don't know how all those arcs end up. The last clone-centric arc concerned the trooper, Fives, discovering the plot to condition Order 66 into the Republic's army, but getting executed before he could prove the truth. Still, clones like Rex somehow managed to free themselves of the conditioning before appearing in Star Wars: Rebels, so it's highly likely The Clone Wars will explain how he did so without alerting his fellows to Palpatine's grand conspiracy.

There was perhaps no breakout character who grew more over the course of The Clone Wars than Anakin Skywalker's padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and everything from the trailers to the posters makes it clear that Ahsoka stands front and center as the main focus of the upcoming season. Although she started as an impulsive padawan eager to please her Jedi master, by the end of the sixth season, she grew into her own as an individual.
And "individual" can't be emphasized enough. After her fellow padawan, Barriss Offee framed Ahsoka for an attack on the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka was banished from the Jedi Order. Although Barriss's plot was revealed (and Barriss herself imprisoned), Ahsoka rejected the Order's offer to return. Rebels reintroduced Ahsoka as an adult fighting for the Rebel Alliance, while the solo novel Ahsoka expanded on what happened in the interim, but it's up to the seventh season to see how her relationship with Barriss concludes.

Ahsoka will also factor heavily in the ongoing plot with Mandalore, helping to lead the race of noble warriors as they take center stage in the show's focus. The Ahsoka novel picked up where Ahsoka herself left off with the Mandalorians, but judging from the trailers it seems like Season 7 will jump right into where Ahsoka first joined them.
The Mandalorians were at the center of a complicated plot involving centuries-long holy wars throughout most of The Clone Wars. The terrorist group, Death Watch, threatened the harmony established by Mandalore's pacifists, and their already violent convictions were further corrupted when the former Sith Lord, Darth Maul, took over their leadership. Just how Maul's actions will affect the planet's fate, or how their fall from power could be so great as to be near extinct by the time of The Mandalorian will be central to the upcoming plot.

Not every character falls neatly onto the Light side and the Dark side, and many of those scrambling for survival in between were among The Clone Wars' most interesting characters. Since they aren't central to the plot, several of these characters can be easy to forget, but given that this is The Clone Wars' last chance to wrap up these arcs it's inevitable they'll be addressed.
Asajj Ventress was last seen becoming a bounty hunter, spurned by Count Dooku when Palpatine ordered Dooku to kill her. Asajj will inevitably come into conflict with Cad Bane, the top-dog bounty hunter barely seen since Season 4, and she's already earned the ire of the teenaged Boba Fett, who she left locked in a box after betraying him on a job. Lastly, viewers can expect to see more of the pirate, Hondo Ohnaka, and perhaps figure out where his mercurial allegiance fell that helped him survive on into Rebels.

Some of the bad guys in Star Wars really are pure evil, however, and that's no exception for the Phantom Menace himself, Darth Maul. After surviving his near-death at Obi-Wan's hands in the first prequel movie, Maul returned in The Clone Wars with cybernetic legs and a psychotic fixation on revenge. He managed, at one point, to murder the Duchess Satine, who Obi-Wan had strong feelings toward, but never got to kill Obi-Wan himself.
With his central place in Mandalorian politics there's no doubt that Maul will play a larger role in things to come. However, he was last seen in The Clone Wars being put in his place. Palpatine personally attended to teaching Darth Maul a lesson, whooping him in a duel and murdering Maul's brother, Savage Oppress. Although Maul's ultimate fate in Rebels is established, it's up to The Clone Wars to address just what effect Savage's death had on the Sith Lord.

Unfortunately, there's no changing Anakin's tragic trajectory toward the Dark side, but The Clone Wars is certain to flesh out everything that pushed him along that path. Anakin's forbidden relationship with Padme was a major contributor to his downfall, and when last the show explored their relationship Anakin chose Padme's life over another's when forced to choose between the two. Still, it's not like The Clone Wars to end on a bleak note, and it's a sure bet that the promised hope within Padme's pregnancy will offer the optimistic note the series can end on.
Premiering Friday, Feb. 21, on Disney+, Star Wars: The Clone Wars stars Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker, Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano, Dee Bradley Baker as Captain Rex and the clone troopers, James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan, and Sam Witwer as Maul.
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