Fourth virus case in Canada
by Rob Gibson
UPDATE: 1:10 p.m.
Ontario health officials say the province now has a third confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, bringing Canada's total number of cases to four.
Ontario's chief medical officer of health says the latest case is a woman in her 20s in London, Ont., who travelled to the affected area in China.
Dr. David Williams says initial testing in Ontario showed the woman was negative for the virus, but tests at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg came back as "weakly" positive.
Officials say the woman had no symptoms when she returned to Canada, only left her home to go to hospital, and staff there wore protective gear.
Earlier today, a Toronto hospital discharged a man who had Canada's first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus.
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre says he is now recovering at home along with his wife, who also became ill with the virus.
– The Canadian Press
ORIGINAL: 10 a.m.
B.C. Health Minister, Adrian Dix and health officer Bonnie Henry held a joint press conference Friday to update British Columbians on the latest coronavirus information.
Health officials say 114 people have been tested for the coronavirus and there has only been one confirmed case of the virus, so far.
"We want to reassure people that the risk of this virus spreading within British Columbia remains low at this time. All necessary precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of infection. We have multiple systems in place to prepare for, detect and respond to prevent the spread of serious infectious diseases in the province," says Dix.
The first case in B.C. was announced Tuesday and confirmed two days later, on Thursday.
The confirmed case is a Vancouver man in his 40's who was in Wuhan city. Health officials indicate they do not believe the man was contagious on the return flight to YVR and that his exposure in Vancouver was limited to a small group of contacts.
The man who has not been identified remains in isolation at his home.
Dix indicated that, "it is not necessary for the general public to take special precautions beyond the usual measures recommended to prevent other common respiratory viruses during winter. Regular handwashing, coughing or sneezing into your elbow sleeve, disposing of tissues appropriately and avoiding contact with sick people are important ways to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, generally."
Two other Canadians, a husband and wife who live in Ontario, are the other two confirmed cases in Canada.