Thinking of upgrading your parlour? Here are some options to consider…
by Agriland TeamMany farmers are considering upgrading their parlour in the coming months due to a shortage of labour, expansion of their herd and a requirement for a better quality of life.
Time and labour-saving devices and automation are the first things to look at if you want to transform your milking process.
When upgrading your parlour, Dairymaster focuses on optimising cow comfort and welfare and operator comfort and welfare. The happier a cow, the more relaxed she will be milking and the more milk she will give.
When you upgrade your Dairymaster parlour you can implement the newest cost-saving technologies. As their products become more and more energy efficient, this will benefit you in the long run saving you money.
The Dairy Equipment Scheme has made upgrading easier for farmers. It is open to all farmers who meet the general eligibility criteria for Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) II.
This scheme offers a standard rate of grant aid of 40%.
Better udder health with ACR’s
Once milking is completed the cluster is automatically removed from the cow.
As well as saving labour and time for the farmers, the huge benefit of this is that cows are not over or under-milked, resulting in better udder health.
Expand your herd with extra units
Extra units allow for better throughput, as this will reduce the time spent in the parlour. It also means shorter standing times for the cows in the collecting yard – a proven factor in reducing lameness, leading to improved animal welfare.
Dairymaster milking parlours produce up to 5% more milk per milking, and milks each cow up to one minute faster.Furthermore, Dairymaster milking equipment has the lowest levels of liner slip in the world.
Improve milking hygiene with ClusterCleanse
As farms are getting larger the Dairymaster ClusterCleanse is an immense aid for improving milking hygiene.
It is of great assistance to farmers fighting the battle against the spread of contagious mastitis during milking, such as Staphylococcus aureus (staph); Streptococcus agalactiae (Strep. ag); or mycoplasma.
ClusterCleanse sanitises each cluster, ensuring it is cleaned consistently every time and is available for all types of parlours, with manual or automatic options.
Right information at the right time with Swiftflo Commander
The Dairymaster Swiftflo Commander offers a new level of intelligence and a lot more information for monitoring and controlling each cow’s milking, feeding and animal health at each cow milking point – when and where it’s needed.
There is no more need for running up and down the parlour with notepads or walking to the office to look up information. It displays important information such as milk yield, milking time and somatic cell count (SCC) data on each cow and much more.
The Swiftflo Commander gives the farmer the capability and functionality of doing herd management at every single milking point in a very easy manner, allowing farmers to milk cow’s quicker, better and more efficiently while aiming for optimal milk quality.
Save on energy with VSaver
As farms continue to grow, farmers must identify areas for improving their productivity and reducing costs.
The Dairymaster VSaver rapidly optimises pump speed according to air demand for the parlour. As a result, its motors use less current during normal operation. Typically, where the VSaver is installed, there is 50-80% less energy consumption.
Seamless milking with milk manager
The Dairymaster Milk Manager is a powerful parlour management solution which controls and monitors each individual cow as she is being milked.
Milk yields, milking duration’s and flow rates are among the vast analytical data which are captured and stored during each milking. These, in turn, may be reviewed or analysed at any time within the Dairymaster Milk Manager program.
At the heart of Dairymaster’s parlour management software is the AutoID system.
As soon as a cow is identified the milk manager system retrieves that cows’ records and can regulate feeding, voice messages, information and warnings to be given to the farmer when he needs it the most during milking.
Feed your cows according to what they deserve with feeding to yield
Feeding to yield allows for each cow to perform better. Feeding the right amounts to your cows is key for optimal performance and keeping your cows healthy.
Dairymaster’s precision feeders can be set to a cow’s individual needs, allowing you to keep its body condition score (BCS) at a prime level for production. Farmers can reward high yielding cows and prevent feed wastage on the lower yielders, reducing feed costs.
A well-balanced diet keeps cows healthier and more fertile. Many farmers have seen results of better production and lower bills.
Why wait: Upgrade today…
With Dairymaster, there are no limits on what can be added to the parlour – all Dairymaster technology is compatible and works in harmony with each other.
Dairymaster’s experienced staff are always available to discuss the best options to suit your needs.
For more information, or to discuss devices to suit your system, please call Shane on: 087-439-2650; or if you’d like to request a call back at a time that suits you, please click here
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