Stránku Januhairy momentálne sleduje takmer 30 000 užívateľov.
Už minulý rok sme ťa informovali o tom, že si ženy nechávajú narásť ochlpenie. Iniciatívu Januhairy vymyslela študentka Laura Jackson a má jasné posolstvo − dnešná spoločnosť podľa nej stále nedokáže akceptovať ženské telo v prirodzenej forme.
Svoje ochlpenie si Laura nechala po prvýkrát narásť pre predstavenie. Zistila, že je vďaka tomu sebavedomejšia a slobodnejšia. Vymyslela teda Januhairy a iniciatíva sa rozšírila do celého sveta.
Iniciatívu porovnala s Movemberom, muži si počas novembra nechávajú zarastenú bradu, alebo si nechajú narásť fúzy. Na Instagrame moderuje stránku s názvom Januhairy, kde sa jej ženy zdôverujú s tým, ako ich iniciatíva oslovila. Nájdeš tam desiatky žien, ktoré sa do výzvy zapojili.
Pod hashtagom januhairy nájdeš vyše 8 000 príspevkov. Pridávajú sa ženy z celého sveta, v minulosti iniciatívu podporila napríklad aj Alex Wortex. Ochlpenie si voľne nechala narásť aj americká modelka Emily Ratajkowski. „Robte to, čo chcete, dámy, nech je to čokoľvek,“ napísala do statusu minulý rok v auguste.
Stránku Januhairy momentálne sleduje takmer 30 000 užívateľov:
Januhairy**STOP FETISHISING ME*** “However I choose to present myself, unless you hear me utter the actual words, I am not asking to be fetishised, I am not asking to be harassed and I am certainly not asking to be sent dick pics. EVER. . I realised recently that I have been really shying away from posting any photos that could be read as sexual. I have been shying away from ‘sexual’ poses, sharing my pole dancing less and talking about sex less on my platform (which is a subject I am passionate about and have a lot to say on!). . I have received so many messages over the years of people saying ‘you can’t complain about being objectified/harassed/sent dick pics if you post sexy photos’ and although I always strongly disagreed with that, I think on some level I internalised it. I really liked this photo when I first saw it but have been really hesitant to post it because I didn’t want to ‘invite’ unwanted attention. . On the one hand, I was protecting myself by not posting this and pictures like it. On the other hand, I was damaging myself by internalising the idea that being objectified is in any way my fault. Fuck that. Fuck attaching guilt and shame to my sexuality. Fuck changing my behaviour because of other people’s inability to treat me with respect. (and fuck platforms that put more energy into censoring women than protecting them from abuse). . So sure, comment away. but be supportive, encouraging, kind, thoughtful OR be quiet. My body is not your fetish” @msmayafelix 👑
JanuhairyA ‘lady’ is polite, well mannered, respectable, restrained, courteous, genteel. She doesn’t speak too loudly, swear, or grow out body hair. Sit quietly, speak when spoken to, don’t wear too much makeup, sit up straight, your skirt’s too short, your heels are too high… Yeah, I guess we are unladylike then 🖕 Solo release #4: @indsrose strutting her stuff. Extract from interview: Q. What would you tell your younger self about body image? A.“Worry less and eat more” Pretty good advice for us all there Indy. 📸 @xtheodoreclarkex 💄 @kathrynpridgeon 👙 @neonmoonco #januhairy
JanuhairyYaaaas Chidera speaking the truth as per- “Imagine how different the world would look if women weren’t taught to be afraid of our bodies. Hair happens. It grows out of our skin like our nails do but for some reason, we are taught to hate our hair when it grows from our pubic region. If you’re a woman, I know you can relate to me here on how the internalised messaging genuinely disrupts our sense of who we are when nobody is looking. Over the past few months, I’ve silently undergone a journey of challenging myself to grow out my bush and let my beauty flourish. I can’t wait to show you how I did it, the MENTAL challenges I’ve faced and the women I’ve encountered along the way who joined me in embracing their bushes” @theslumflower #januhairy
Januhairy"see me // within it all I never saw myself seen I didn’t know of a language to make it make sense, feel real, to make it stick. surface living to quell the anxieties of not knowing who you are and where you come from. a void is not a dormant soundless hole, it can be a chaotic dissonant space, it can be a vortex at your core that wrings you out and leaves you broken. if I don’t see me, am i real? our stories buried and burned, histories willfully misrecorded, bodies brutalized and distorted. the heavy labor of our existence, the work that works to piece the pieces. our tongues cut, leaving us speechless, their language was never meant for us, our work is our narratives in flux, sounds, words, images, movement that is us. all new but rooted in a knowing that is before us all. even in my younger days where I never knew a world like this could exist for me, I felt a stirring that pushed me forth despite no blueprint or support, whatever that force was I thank it every day, and I work to nourish it." — @monicagreatgal via @girlgaze
JanuhairyA very hairy birthday to our founder, Laura! This woman is changing the world, one hair at a time, and she is also one of my bestest friends in the entire world! Her constant activism and positive attitude are what drive this project forward and so to celebrate Laura’s birthday, please comment a way in which either Januhairy, or Laura personally have had a positive impact on your life! Hairy hugs as always - Ruby 💫
JanuhairyThree days in to the world wide #januhairy movement, combating social pressures on what it means to be a ‘Woman’, or any identity for that matter, whilst raising money for @treesisters_official 🌱 protecting and restoring our natural habitat, as well as our bodies. How is your januhairy going so far? ‘Wait what? It’s januhairy 3rd already? Damn, isn’t it too late to join in?’ Umm NO OF COURSE NOT 🎉This is all about your individual experiences within the empowering community of Januhairy! Start now, start next week; you’re still spreading our message and challenging yourself and, in turn, fucking with the patriarchy... Visit ‘januhairy . org’ (without the spaces) for more info on the movement and the charity involved. Photo from @neonmoon whose products we are very excited to be involved with in our upcoming photo shoot! ’Waaat? A photo shoot? Wow!’. Yup, we are hosting a Januhairy photo shoot this weekend in London celebrating all beautiful hairy bodies!! There will for sure be a few little teasers on our stories all throughout the day, so keep your eyes peeled 👀 Hairy hugs!
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