Dumbarton support group is lifeline for families of those gripped by drug addiction
For mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunties of addicts, the weekly meetings at Alternatives have become their therapy.
by Lennox Herald, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/lennox-herald/Bobby Walker entered the room full of people ready to break the news.
He had a serious look on his face for a change, not what the women sitting staring at him were used to.
“I’ve got something important to tell you,” said the Haldane man. “But maybe you’d better go and have a cigarette break first.”
There were nine or 10 women from all over the area at the meeting that night earlier this month.
They had been gathering at the Alternatives drugs support building in High Street, Dumbarton, every week for almost exactly a year.
The room upstairs with comfy leather couches, a kettle, and friendly faces had become their haven.
As mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunties of drug addicts, the weekly meetings had become their therapy – and a place where they could escape it all and give themselves a much-needed dose of self-care.
When a loved one is in the grip of addiction, it’s not just the addict that suffers.
Parents are often weighed down on a daily basis with emotional pain, constant worry, and fear that the next time their son or daughter visits their drug dealer, shoots up heroin, or takes a street Valium tablet, it might be their last.
Only a close relative of a drug addict – of which there are many in West Dunbartonshire – can understand the enduring worry.
This is then compounded by the judgement of heartless people who think it’s okay to dehumanise their son or daughter by calling them a “junkie”.
So, with life becoming so heavy at times for these relatives of addicts, their weekly family support group meeting in Dumbarton is a God-send.
It’s where they get to spend most of the two hours laughing, relaxing, and being able to speak freely with friends who all understand each other as they’re all in the same boat.
Bobby Walker founded this particular family support group on January 21 last year, and it was almost the first year anniversary when he walked into the room and informed them he had an important announcement to make.

Bobby, who has a relative battling addiction, had set the group up voluntarily while doing a work placement with Alternatives as part of his studies with Glasgow University.
“I had finished my studies last May but carried on volunteering as the group leader,” said Bobby.
“When I spoke to the women about the important announcement, I was standing there nearly crying, and said ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to close the group.’”
The faces in the room dropped and there was silence for a second before one person said, “it can’t be” and another added “surely it’s not over?”
Bobby’s straight face quickly broke into a smile, and he said: “I’m only kidding – I’ve organised a trip to Drimsynie for you lot at the end of the month.”
The tension turned to laughter, and the group members threw a few swear words Bobby’s way in response to him winding them up.
Bobby said: “The members thought I was going to chuck it with the group. But why would I chuck it now when it’s becoming stronger?
“Although it’s run on a voluntary basis, there’s no cost attached to it and we all enjoy the meetings.
“There’s always plenty of fun and the banter with the members, and I’ve got to know them all on a personal level.
“The meetings are always light-hearted, everyone goes out the door at the end of the evening with a smile.”
As well as supporting each other, and enjoying weekend trips to places like Glencoe and Drimsynie at the weekend, the group members are actively looking at ways they can help reduce the stigma surrounding addiction.
It began last year with just three members, but now there are usually between 12 to 14 members attending every week from places including Balloch, Dumbarton, Alexandria and Clydebank .
Some of them have shared how their weekly Monday get-together has become invaluable.
A Cardross woman said: “I really look forward to coming here on a Monday night. I get ongoing support, knowledge and valuable information as a parent of an addict.
“When new members come along it’s uplifting. We need this group to flourish, with Bobby at the helm to direct us – and provide sanity!”
An Alexandria mum added: “The group has helped to bring stability into my life. Because of the group I have met so many lovely people I never would have before.
“We support and understand each other. We are all getting stronger and learning how to cope in a more positive way. We owe a big thanks to Bobby for starting the group, and we all appreciate the work he puts in.”
A Balloch woman said: “The group has helped me realise I am not alone. The sharing and openness of the group is fantastic, and we help each other through tough times, and encourage each other to become stronger.”
• The family support group runs every Monday evening from 6.30pm until 8.30pm in the Alternatives building (at the side of Greggs) in Dumbarton High Street.
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