Here's Australia's Hotlines For Coronavirus Advice
by Sarah BasfordThe World Health Organisation has declared coronavirus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). In Australia, only nine cases have been confirmed and there's been no evidence of human-to-human transmission. If you're concerned you might be affected by the virus, however, a number of hotlines have been set up in addition to websites. Here are the numbers you can call.
Regardless of where you live in Australia, healthdirect offers a 24-hour phone service for anyone who needs extra information or the steps to take if they suspect they might be affected. Before calling up, it's best to check the healthdirect website for details and symptoms of the virus to see if they match up with your own and if you're confident, call up the hotline on 1800 022 222.
The service also strongly recommends you call up your local hospital or medical centre before you head there to check your symptoms. This way they can best advise you how to travel there without the risk for potential spread to other people.
If you're in Queensland, a similar service is provided by the state government. 13 HEALTH can offer confidential health advice 24 hours a day by calling 13 43 25 84.
Remember, if you haven't been to Wuhan or China recently nor had any contact with suspected cases, there's less cause for concern if you're also not displaying the virus' symptoms.