PIC:King & Queen… Robert Mugabe Jnr’s New Model Bae Reveals She’s Still A Virgin & More Details About Their Relationship
by Sharon ChirisaRobert Mugabe Jnr’s New Girlfriend Reveals She’s Still A Virgin & More Details About Their Relationship

Things seem to be looking up for the late former president Robert Mugabe’s son Robert Jnr who is dating model Hillary Makaya.
After attempts to quash the romance amid claims they were related and not dating the former Miss Teen World Heritage confirmed that the two are indeed an item.

Although she didn’t specify the exact period of their romance she stated that she has been dating the country’s former first child for a while now.
She revealed that the two met through a mutual friend and the rest is history.
Makaya revealed that despite her se_x bomb appeal on social media which occasionally includes promotional shots clad in lingerie she is still a virgin.
The two grabbed headlines last year after they went for a vacation together and shared several photos cuddled up.
The 18 year old Hillary is a force to be reckoned in the modelling industry having clinched the Miss Teen World Heritage and Miss Zim Intercontinental beauty pageant trophies in 2016 and 2018 respectively.
Hillary who is also an aspiring accountant seems to have a good head above her shoulders compared to most teenage girls her age who are in the limelight.
Last year the model revealed that she is now the owner of a home.
The visibly excited Makaya said she had taken a hiatus on social media because she was house hunting and getting her tittle deeds in order.
The well paid teenager also gifted her parents with a brand new car.
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