The Flash Synopsis Finally Introduces the Future Sue Dibny
by Ian CardonaEver since its Season 5 finale, The Flash has been setting up the introduction of Sue Dibny in the Arrowverse. In fact, for the better part of Season 6, Ralph Dibny has been working a missing person case in search of a woman named Sue Dearbon and now, his search is about to come to an end.
The CW has released the synopsis for Season 6's 12th episode, "A Girl Named Sue," which will feature the long-awaited debut of Sue Dibny, who will be played by guest star Natalie Dreyfuss.
The official synopsis for The Flash's "A Girl Named Sue," which will air Tuesday, Feb. 18 on The CW, is below:
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WHEN RALPH MET SUE – After months of searching for Sue Dearbon (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss), Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) gets a lead on her whereabouts and finally comes face to face with his missing client. However, Sue refuses to return home to her family, and instead, takes Ralph on a daring adventure. Iris (Candice Patton) faces a new challenge while Barry (Grant Gustin) considers a potentially dangerous request from a trusted source. Chris Peppe directed the episode written by Thomas Pound & Lauren Certo (#612). Original airdate 2/18/2020.
In the comics, Sue Dearbon would eventually marry the Elongated Man and become one half of the famous Ralph and Sue Dibny pairing. Together, the two formed a power couple that every superhero in the DC Universe looked up to.
Returning Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. ET/CT on The CW, The Flash stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Nicolet and Hartley Sawyer.
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