Where is coronavirus in the UK and how many people have it?
by Aidan MilanThe first cases of deadly coronavirus, which has thus far killed over 200 people in China, have been confirmed in the UK
At least 213 people have died in China due to the outbreak with almost 10,000 cases nationally.
Authorities say all but one of the coronavirus deaths so far have been in Hubei province, where the virus is believed to have originated.
Here’s what we know about the cases of coronavirus in the UK as we wait for more developments on the situation.
Where is coronavirus in the UK?
At the time of writing, it is not yet known exactly where the two cases of coronavirus have been detected, other than that the patients are in England.
Chief Medical Officer for England Professor Chris Whitty said that two members of the same family have tested positive for the virus.
In a statement, he said: ‘The patients are receiving specialist NHS care, and we are using tried and tested infection control procedures to prevent further spread of the virus.
‘The NHS is extremely well-prepared and used to managing infections and we are already working rapidly to identify any contacts the patients had, to prevent further spread.
‘We have been preparing for UK cases of novel coronavirus and we have robust infection control measures in place to respond immediately.
‘We are continuing to work closely with the World Health Organization and the international community as the outbreak in China develops to ensure we are ready for all eventualities.’

This comes hours after dozens of patients had to abandon the waiting room at an English hospital after two suspected coronavirus cases were flagged up by staff.
Both patients spent two hours waiting alongside others at the New QEII Hospital in Hertfordshire last night, according to a witness.
A video of the incident circulating online which showed a member of NHS staff explaining to patients why they’d been moved.
The 39-year-old witness, who asked not to be named, said: ‘We were in the waiting room and the nurse said: “we suspect it’s coronavirus, can we vacate the waiting room?”
‘We got moved down a corridor, maybe 40 metres away, into a separate area while they did a disinfectant clean.
‘They’d been in there for two hours; one fella was saying, “I sat next to them for the last two hours”.’
The witness said everybody’s details were taken and they were told they’d be contacted if the tests came back positive.
He said: ‘We were told “We’ve got all your details, we’re going to do tests, and if it is that, we’ll come back and let you know”.’
The World Health Organisation declared coronavirus a global health emergency last night after an emergency meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
At the time, they confirmed there were 98 cases in 18 countries outside China, while there have been eight cases involving human-to-human transmission in Japan, Vietnam, Germany and the US.
Following the announcement, British medical officers increased the risk level in the UK from low to moderate.
How to protect yourself from coronavirus
To keep yourself safe, you should keep an eye out for symptoms and avoid anyone who’s caught coronavirus.
Dr Diana Gall, a GP with the online health service Doctor-4-U, told Metro.co.uk: ‘Viruses such as the coronavirus spread through droplets that are in the air when a person sneezes or coughs, or through close contact with an infected person.
‘Public transport makes this a lot easier for viruses to travel, with so many people congregating together, diseases are likely to spread around the country and even globally. Coughing and sneezing in close proximity on buses and trains, touching surfaces such as handrails that are contaminated spreads the virus from person to person.
‘Planes are a large factor in the spread of diseases globally, as lots of people travel to all parts of the world there is a risk of picking up diseases in a particular country and spreading it to another.’
‘Modern transport is fast which means that viruses can spread around the world within weeks. This is why it’s important to act fast when outbreaks occur by using modern quarantine methods to stop the travel of diseases. Isolation separates those who are infected from the rest of the public until they are completely treated and well again.
‘Quarantine helps stop those who have been exposed to the virus from travelling or being around other people, even if they’re not yet sick. This all helps to reduce a potentially fatal outbreak.’
On the subject of what to do if you start to display symptoms of coronavirus, the NHS recommends: ‘If you develop a high temperature, cough, runny nose, sore throat or difficulty breathing … Do not leave your home until you have been given advice by a doctor.’
However the NHS also adds: ‘If there is a case in the UK, health professionals will aim to contact anyone who has been in close contact with the infected person.
‘If you have not been contacted, be reassured you are extremely unlikely to catch coronavirus.’
Wuhan Coronavirus - is there a vaccine and what are the symptoms?
The novel coronavirus was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has a population of 11m people, in December.
It has led to large parts of China being placed under quarantine, with flights and transport being grounded and Lunar New Year celebrations being cancelled as China attempts to prevent others from becoming infected.
Cases have also been reported in other parts of the world including Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, Canada, the US, France and Germany.
Is there a vaccine for coronavirus?

At present there is no vaccine for coronavirus - although several different organisations are working to create one.
Those reported to be working on a potential vaccine include National Institutes of Health as well as other private companies including Inovio, Novavax, Johnson and Johnson and Moderna - the latter working directly with US government health agencies.
Despite all the combined efforts it could still be a while before a vaccine against the current coronavirus is ready.
A spokesman for the Institutes said that it could be a few months before the first clinical trials get underway, and a year or more before it's available.
Meanwhile Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who are also reported to be working on a vaccine, have said that if one were developed it would most likely be given to healthcare workers first due to their exposure to patients suffering from coronavirus.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

The early symptoms of the virus include a dry cough, a fever, shortness of breath and a sore throat.
While many of those affected have shown only mild symptoms, some have gone on to develop fluid in the lungs consistent with viral pneumonia.
The virus is more likely to progress into a severe illness or prove fatal among older patients or those with weakened immune systems.
There is no specific cure for the coronavirus - as it's a viral infection, antibiotics won't help.
The World Health Organisation has suggested avoiding close contact with anyone suffering from an acute respiratory infection and ensuing that coughs and sneezes are covered with disposable tissues or clothing.
They also recommend regular hand-washing as well as avoiding unprotected contact with wild or farm animals.