Three-legged creature from deep Atlantic writhes around on boat deck
by Zoe DrewettA three-legged creature writhes around on board a boat in front of the horrified fisherman who reeled it in in a shocking new video.
The animal, which appears to have tentacles like an octopus and a bulbous head, is believed to have been caught off Coney Island in Brooklyn.
Footage of the sea monster from the Atlantic captures the man holding the fishing line shouting: ‘What the hell, what is that?’
As the bizarre creature, which has slits for gills, continues to twist and turn on the decking, a woman screams: ‘Holy s*** what the hell is that?’
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According to MailOnline the clip was posted to TikTok by Nataliia Vorobok and has since received 1.4million likes.
Some viewers have said they were concerned about the creature’s welfare while others pleaded for the animal to go back in the water.
Others have suggested the animal may be a clearnose skate, a species of cartilaginous fish.
The clearnose skate is a similar brown-ish colour and lives in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean but migrates inshore depending on the time of the year.
The video posted online is just seconds long and it is unclear what happened to the creature after the footage was taken.