Anger over plan to build new housing estate off Tavistock Road
Local residents are objecting to a proposed new access from Lady Fern Road, a cul de sac
by Edward OldfieldA developer wants to build up to 30 homes at a former reservoir north of Plymouth.
An outline planning application has been submitted for the scheme at Belliver Reservoir in Roborough, between the city and Tavistock.
The current access to the site off the A386 Tavistock Road is from Tamerton Road.
Local residents are objecting to a proposed new access from Lady Fern Road, a cul de sac.
They say the road is not suitable due to disruption during the construction phase and extra traffic from the new homes.
Some suggest that there should be a new access built from Belliver Way.
One objector said: “I am concerned about the extra traffic the proposed site will cause, leaving Lady Fern Road to experience disruption during the build phase and the subsequent use by many more vehicles when the proposed houses are completed.”

A planning statement from chartered town planners Bell Cornwell says "a safe and suitable access arrangement can be achieved" for pedestrians and vehicles from Lady Fern Road.
The outline application from Peninsula Properties covers the access to the site, with the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping to be decided later.
Designs in a statement from Grainge Architects show how the new homes would be grouped in a series of cul de sacs around a cypress tree as the focal point.
The proposed homes site west of the Roborough roundabout off Tavistock Road is mostly surrounded by trees and hedges.
The underground reservoir was built in 1894 and is no longer in use, as supplies now come from the nearby Mayflower Water Treatment Works.
The outline application will be decided by the city council’s planning committee after consultation ends on Tuesday, February 18.