The Flash: Don’t Expect Diggle to Don the Green Ring in Upcoming Appearance
by Ian CardonaThe series finale of Arrow brought closure to certain storylines, while setting up others for the future. The latter was the case for John Diggle, who moved to Metropolis -- but not before he found a Green Lantern ring after it fell from the sky. The twist served as a payoff to teases that had been dropped in Arrow for a long time, with the implication is that John Diggle will become a Green Lantern.
Arrow may be over, but it won't be long until we see Diggle again. In fact, actor David Ramsey will guest star in The Flash's midseason premiere on Feb. 4. Just don't expect Dig to sling a green ring just yet.
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Ramsey explained his guest appearance is related to Oliver Queen's recent death. "There’s a whole cast [of characters] over there that’s still recovering from Oliver’s death, and part of the connection to Oliver is Diggle, obviously," he told TVLine. "So Diggle’s presence there serves as kind of a conduit, a way to grieve. But there’s also a case, there’s something to solve… that Diggle’s a part of."
When talk turned to the possibility of Diggle's new ring making an appearance, Ramsey answered, "No, that doesn’t happen. It is John Diggle over there as John Diggle, and we’re working on a case."
Here is the official synopsis for "Marathon," the midseason premiere of The Flash:
LIFE AFTER THE CRISIS -- After The Citizen prints an explosive story, Iris's (Candice Patton) life is threatened. Refusing to hide from those that are attacking her, Iris sets out to expose a dangerous organization. Meanwhile, Barry (Grant Gustin) must face the consequences of the Crisis and fulfill Oliver Queen's wish for him. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Lauren Barnett (#610). Original airdate 2/4/2020.
Returning Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. ET/CT on The CW, The Flash stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Nicolet and Hartley Sawyer.
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