Jennifer Lopez and Shakira to make ‘heartfelt tribute’ to Kobe Bryant at the Superbowl
The Suoerbowl half time show will feature an homage to the late sportsman
by Sarah MaglioccoThe Super Bowl half-time show is set to include a tribute to Kobe Bryant.
Performers Shakira and Jennifer Lopez confirmed that they will pay homage to the NBA star, who died in a tragic helicopter crash last week, along side his 13 year old daughter and seven other.
During the Super Bowl press conference, the musicians opened up about Kobe and the show.

Jennifer revealed there will be a “heartfelt” tribute during the show.
However, she did not divulge any other details about the performance.
Shakira added: “We’ll all be remembering Kobe on Sunday and celebrating life and diversity in this country.”

“I’m sure he’d be very proud to see the message we are trying to convey on stage that day,” she said, according to CNN.
Jennifer explained that her husband Alex Rodriguez told her about the tragedy.
“Alex came to me with tears in his eyes, and he’s like, ‘You’re not going to believe what happened,”‘ she said.

“He was devastated. He knew Kobe really well. I knew Kobe and Vanessa more in passing,” she said.
“He had come to my last show in Vegas – the both of them – as a date night and we had a beautiful night that night.”
The Superbowl is due to take place on February 2nd 2020.