DU Semester Exams 2019: Result Likely to be Released Today, Check on du.ac.in
The result will be declared for semesters one, five and three for the UG and PG courses. If not today, it will be declared latest by February 2.
DU Exam Result 2019: Delhi University (DU) is likely to release the result of its undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) 2019 semester exams on Friday. Students have the option to check the result, once it is out, either on respective college notice boards or the university’s official website, i.e du.ac.in.
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If the result is not declared today, it can be declared either by Saturday (February 1) or Sunday (February 2). The result will be declared for semesters one, five and three for the UG and PG courses.
Steps to download/check DU Exam Result 2019:
Step 1: Visit the official DU website du.ac.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link ‘DU Results 2019’
Step 3: Select the semester for which you gave the exam
Step 4: Enter your login details to access the result page
Step 5: Check and download your DU Semester Exam Result
Step 6: Take a printout and keep a copy for future use.
Candidates should note that the result available online is only in the form of a soft copy. In order to get the original mark sheets and other respective certificates, they need to contact the respective colleges of DU.
Usually, the university releases the result of its November-December semester exams by December-end or early January. However, this time the result got delayed due to a strike by the DU Teachers’ Association (DUTA).
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