Star Wars Battlefront 2 February community event calendar confirmed
by Aran SuddiEA has confirmed what kind of content Star Wars Battlefront II players can expect to get throughout the month of February, with the first part actually kicking off today. From today, January 31st, there will be triple XP available and in Assault modes there will be just one-second spawns. All of this will last until February 3rd.
Then on February 7th until February 10th the battle point event Heroes Unleashed will be taking place in Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy. During this event all Hero BP costs will drop by 75%. From Valentine’s Day, or February 14th, until February 17th the Boots on the Ground battle point event will be taking place. In this event on Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy there will be no heroes available, or vehicles providing support.
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A week later from February 21st to February 24th the next Battle Point event will be Reinforcements will see reduced battle point costs for all reinforcements with more of them allowed at any time on the field. This event will affect Capital Supremacy, Galactic Assault, Extraction, and Strike. Then on Februay 28th until March 2nd there will be another triple XP event. Outside of these events every Wednesday will see double XP be active in game modes.
Meanwhile, those waiting on Battlefront II’s latest Rise of Skywalker content drop will have to hold out a little longer. Originally planned for yesterday, the new update – which includes BB-8 and BB-9E as playable heroes – has been pushed back into next week – here’s what DICE had to say:
Just wanted to drop a quick note about the update that was due to release on January 30. During our testing we found a critical issue that means we will be pushing the update to early next week. We already have a new build going through its regular pre-release checks and things are looking positive.
Unfortunately, this is sometimes the reality in game development where testing continues right up until an update is deployed onto our live servers. Although disappointing, we feel that it is much better that we found the issue now, rather than have it slip through and make it to our live servers.
Source: Twitter