Як дві краплі води: в США знайшли двійника Меган Маркл
У штаті Міссурі (США) віднайшли жінку із вражаючою зовнішньою схожістю з дружиною принца Гаррі – Меган Маркл.
Це – Айкіша Ленд. Їй 39 років, вона щаслива дружина та матір двох дітей.
Greyson Regina LandWonder why you’re seeing my face and not Bitty’s? I know you’d rather see her cute face, but I had to make a brief cameo to say, CHIEFSSSSSSS!! 🙌🏾 Our team is going to the Super Bowl y’all; so I had to (finally) post these photos of the only game we were able to make it to this year ❤️ Wish we could go to more, but with two young kiddos and church on Sunday’s, it’s hard to make it to many games. Plus parking alone is $60 and ain’t nobody got time for that! 😅 • Also, can we just take a minute to talk about my hair?! I’ve been on my natural hair journey for over 5 years now and hadn’t straightened my hair in over two years. A couple years ago when I straightened my hair, even though I’d been natural for so many years and used Curly Girl Method approved products only, when straightened, my hair was dull, dry, slightly brittle and my ends were a disaster. This year though, I think the results speak for themselves in these photos! And I have @olivabrand to thank! Remember back in September I told you guys I was going to start a hair trial with them? Well as you can see, my hair loves @olivabrand! It’s perfect for my low porosity hair because it’s not as thick and heavy as most hair oils. I use it for my scalp massages as well as hot oil treatments. It’s made my hair sooooo soft, smooth, and shiny! Bye frizz! ✌🏾I’ve also been using it on Bitty’s hair and her curls are really starting to POP (as you can see in my previous post)! • Definitely go check them out @olivabrand and use code grey15 to save 15% off of your purchase ❤️
ЇЇ акаунт у соцмережах, де раніше були тільки світлини її дітей, зараз має більш як 150 тис. підписників.
Greyson Regina LandWhen you’re trying to take a selfie with your bestie, but they’re too busy eating... Tag your friends that are always eating! 😂
– Навіть моя сім’я та близькі друзі кажуть, що я схожа на неї! І хоча я не зовсім це помічаю, але сприймаю як великий комплімент. Я дуже рада, що мене можуть сплутати із королівською особою, – розповіла журналістам Айкіша.