Album Review: Nathan Gray – Working Title
Nathan Gray from BoySetsFire goes it alone on solo debut…
by Olly ThomasHardcore singers seeking a second act for their career tend to go for one of two options. Those who don’t go full country usually swing for the sweet spot between grown-up, Springsteen-ish rock and the bar-room punk of The Replacements.
On this second solo album, BoySetsFire vocalist Nathan Gray embraces the latter approach with considerable success. This collection is the sound of someone meeting hard times, not with world-weariness but with defiance. It’s something communicated with quiet dignity on Still Here, and addictive energy on No Way, while the record’s spectrum runs from opening barn burner In My Defense to the tender strum of Mercy.
There’s nothing here that has never been done before, but Nathan’s warm and inclusive songwriting is aural comfort food for anyone struggling with life’s slings and arrows. Working Title is a record that picks you up when you’re down, and there can never be enough of those.
Verdict: 4/5