VP Chiwenga Slammed By Judge For False Accusations Against Marry
by Sharon ChirisaVP Chiwenga Slammed By Judge For False Accusations Against Marry

VP Chiwenga through his lawyer was slammed by a high court judge for fabricating evidence against his embattled ex wife Marry Mubaiwa who is facing a litany of criminal charges including attempted murder.
This was revealed during a hearing meant to revoke Marry’s bail conditions following her arrest last year on charges of money laundering, fraud and the attempted murder of the VP.
Chiwenga had asked the court to revoke Mubaiwa’s bail, claiming that she had concealed the fact that she had three passports.
However Mubaiwa’s lawyers said Chiwenga was in fact holding onto one of the passports he now claimed Marry had in her possession.
Mubaiwa claimed she received a call from Chiwenga’s office, advising her that someone would deliver a parcel containing her diplomatic passport and their children’s.
Mubaiwa refused to take the passports, her lawyers said because Chiwenga was attempting to conceal that he had the passport all along.
This forced the prosecution to admit that it was indeed true that Chiwenga was in possession of the passport and had agreed to surrender it.
Remarked the irate judge.
However, Manase went on to offense against Mtetwa and Mubaiwa in a counter claim.
He wrote back, stating:
Manase told Mtetwa (Marry’s lawyer) that Mubaiwa should simply surrender her passport and stop dragging the VP’s name in the mud.
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