Disney Heiress Abigail Disney on Kobe's Death: He Was a Rapist, Deal with It
by VladTV

Disney heiress Abigail Disney sparked backlash with a tweet about Kobe Bryant's tragic death by bringing up a past allegation of sexual assault involving the Lakers legend.
Disney tweeted, "I haven't said anything about Kobe so far because I felt some time needed to pass before weighing in. But yes, it's time for the sledgehammer to come out. The man was a rapist. Deal with it." Despite various Twitter users asking Disney whether she felt that people could be redeemed from their past, she has yet to respond to the backlash.
Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood also came under fire for a similar tweet, which she later deleted, that read, "What has happened is tragic. I am heartbroken for Kobe’s family. He was a sports hero. He was also a rapist. And all of these truths can exist simultaneously." You can read both tweets above.