County council launch free app to help people get the most out of services
The MyNotts app will make it easier to report potholes, arrange a wedding and find out more about visitor attractions
by Phoebe RamNottinghamshire County Council has unveiled a free, user-friendly app providing a new way of accessing a wide range of council services.
From Thursday, January 30, the MyNotts app will be available to download and aims to make council services quicker and easier to access.
The app will allow users to access adult social care services, school places, register a birth or death, arrange a wedding at a council venue, get information on council libraries, recycling centres, apply to foster or adopt and report a safeguarding or highways issue.
The app will also provide information about what’s on across Nottinghamshire with links to the county’s visitor attractions such as Sherwood Forest, Holme Pierrepont and Rufford Abbey.
Using the GPS facility, the app aims to make it easier to report potholes, street lights and other highway issues by automatically identifying the location, with updates directly passed on.
Councillor Reg Adair, deputy leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Ninety-five percent of householders in the UK have access to a smartphone and two thirds of our residents told us they would be likely to download an app to access council services.
“We have involved local residents in developing and testing the app and intend to continue to improve and enhance the services available using ongoing feedback from the public.
“I would encourage residents to download the app for free on their smartphones and see for themselves how useful it can be.
“We hope this app will put council services quite literally in the hands of the public and enhance and complement the services already provided through the council’s website and customer service centre.”
The app is available to download by visiting the app store on Android or Apple devices.