Major developments for Cullompton and Tiverton go to consultation
Plans for 500 homes and Cullompton regeneration go to the public
by Lewis ClarkeConsultations on significant changes in both Cullompton and Tiverton are set to begin.
A stage two consultation on plans to build up to 500 homes in Area B of the Eastern Urban Extension (EUE) is set to take place.
The existing Tiverton EUE Masterplan was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in April 2014 and updated in June 2018, covering the whole development allocation site.
The Area B Masterplan aims to resolve land issues to the south-east of Area A.
Following a previous consultation, issues surrounding access, phasing of development, the extent of developable land area, and uses within the green infrastructure area were discussed.
The draft Masterplan was presented to the Planning Policy Advisory Group on January 6, where members made amendments regarding emphasis on bus services, parking provision, allotment provision and on-going management and maintenance.
The latest six-week consultation, which is planning for February and March, will build upon the existing SPD and provide greater depth of resolution for spatial planning issues, consider means of access and amount of development.
Once the consultation has ended, and officers have considered the responses, the final version of the Tiverton Urban Extension Area B Masterplan and a statement of public participation will be considered at a future meeting of the Cabinet.
A stage one consultation on Cullompton Town Centre Masterplan is also set to begin in February or March and will include four events around the town centre.
It will form the basis for the regeneration of the town; enhancing the town’s economic prospects and providing a clear strategy to ensure the town meets its full potential as an attractive and thriving town in the 21st century. It will provide the umbrella framework within which the Cullompton Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) bid funded by Historic England under the Future High Streets programme will operate.

Adrian Welsh, Group Manager for Growth, Economy and Delivery, said it was the start of the process.
He said: “Consultants have undertaken work and workshops to scope out what the masterplan should cover and particularly the issues that should be pursued.
“What is proposed through this paper is that those issues form the basis of that stage one consultation.
“The PPAG also considered this item and were keen to support the principles and keen that consultation boards be updated to place particular emphasis on road and traffic issues, quality of life issues in the town centre, the importance of heritage buildings, and giving a clear indication to the public that there will be action and that there needs to be a delivery plan as part of the process.”