Indonesia crocodile stuck in a tyre for years, now authorities offer a reward for removing it
by ShreyaJakarta, Jan 31: A crocodile that headed to the riverbank stuck scooter tyre around its neck for years ago, is still gasping for air. Now the authorities are offering a reward to anyone brave enough to free an enormous 4-metre reptile in Palu.
The poor reptile was first spotted by locals in Palu in 2016 believed to be the nearly 'virtually extinct'.

"A reward will be given to anyone, who can release the hapless reptile," Central Sulawesi BKSDA chief Hasmuni Hasmar stated in Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province.
"We're asking the general public not to get close to the crocodile or disturb its habitat," he added.

NEWS AT 3 PM, JAN 31st JAN, 2020
The contest will see one brave croc hunter land an unspecified amount of cash.
Local conservation authorities have been trying -- and failing -- for several years to find a way to untangle the crocodile after video showed it gasping for air.
Environmentalists sparked worries the tyre was slowly killing the beast.