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PewDiePie Weighs in on Racism Scandal Over Blogger Ethan Klein Calling K-Pop Idols ‘Little Gay Fetish’
Ethan Klein, who has over two million subscribers on his YouTube channel H3 Podcast, has caused a storm on social media with his take on the K-pop phenomenon and its brightest stars, the boy band BTS. As a “cancel” campaign against him trends Twitter, his colleague from Sweden, who has a history of dealing with racism scandals, has not stayed out.
YouTube king from Sweden Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, has spoken out on the explosive scandal over blogger Ethan Klein’s definition of K-pop and its stars as a “little gay fetish”.
“F***ing POS YOURE TRASH! Speak bad of kpop and bts again and army will WALK ALL OVER YOU!” he posted on Twitter.
[Warning! Obscene language]
Klein, better known online as h3h3productions, has faced backlash over a monologue in one of his podcasts, in which he does not “get” K-pop and its idols, BTS.
“How did this become a thing in western culture? All grown men and little girls are jerking off to little k-pop boys. It’s like a little fetish, a little twink gay fetish about these k-pop boys”, he said.
The video prompted an avalanche of critical comments, as some branded his assumption racist. Many shared their contempt under the hashtag #h3h3isoverparty, which is now trending on Twitter.
Others were critical about his sexualising an entire industry.
However, others stood up for the blogger, joining the campaign #h3h3isnotoverparty.
Klein decided to fight back against the accusations, as well, and shamed K-pop fans for overreacting to his joke.
“Lighten up nerds, if you can't handle your hobby being made fun of a little bit then you are really are just a bunch of little girls jerking off to kpop boys”, he tweeted, also blaming K-pop stans for their idols’ suicides.