Police Scotland blasted by councillors over process of top cop's appointment
by Kaiya Marjoribanks, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/kaiya-marjoribanks/Police Scotland have been lambasted by Stirling councillors over the appointment of Forth Valley’s new top cop, with one suggesting they may even have broken the law.
Chief Superintendent Alan Gibson is replacing Thom McLoughlin in the role of Divisional Commander for Forth Valley Division.
However, at a full meeting of Stirling Council yesterday (Thursday), councillors and officials were unhappy that they appeared to be being consulted after the appointment was made.
Police Scotland is obliged in terms of section 44 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 to consult the local authority before designating an officer to carry out the local police commander role.
While it is the chief constable of Police Scotland who has the final say on the appointment, the council has a right to contribute their thoughts.
Councillors were being asked yesterday to consider CS Gibson’s nomination – but most of the discussion was around the process given it appeared he had already been appointed.
Councillor Martin Earl said Police Scotland had “not abided by the law” in how the process had been handled.
He added: “These are important appointments and if we are required to be asked we should be required to have relevant information to allow us to give that approval. I’m not suggesting we wouldn’t give approval but I don’t like doing this on the nod. I’m not particularly happy with the way this has come forward.”
Chief governance officer Julia McAfee said she agreed and had emailed CS Gibson’s senior, adding: “In consultation with the [council’s] chief executive I do think we need to raise this.”
Councillor Margaret Brisley said there was “no harm” intended to Mr Gibson, but added: “It’s not a consultation, it’s information we have been given that this person has been appointed and I suggest we note this and wish him all the best. We don’t have a say in whether an appointment happens or not but if they do require to consult us it should be genuine consultation and most certainly before the person is appointed.”
Her fellow Labour councillor Chris Kane said: “I wish CS Alan Gibson well in the post and look forward to getting to know him.
“However Police Scotland need to look at themselves. There’s a way to do things in a collegiate manner and this isn’t it.
“I’m upset that we are being told by Police Scotland what to do rather than being consulted and engaged.
“I suggest Police Scotland starts to treat us as a genuine partner rather than a minor inconvenience in the process.”
Depute council leader Danny Gibson suggested there should be clarification over whether CS Gibson was currently just the nomination for the post and acting in the role before being officially appointed.
However, other councillors and council officials said there were a number of indications that the appointment had already been made, including references made online.
SNP councillor Graham Houston said: “It is perhaps fortunate that CS Gibson has good experience in Dumbarton and Argyll and understands urban and rural policing but the process is far from right. They know quite well in advance when there will be police retirements so it is not outwith the possibility for Police Scotland to consult with this authority in some form and get our opinion even if a final decision sits with the chief constable.”
The council’s chief executive Carol Beattie said: “The way the letter was written was that this was a fait accompli, so to say we were given an open and transparent opportunity to be consulted wouldn’t be accurate.”
Councillors agreed to note CS Gibson’s appointment but also to write to the chief constable and the chair of the Scottish Police Authority expressing their concerns over how the process was conducted.
Asssistant Chief Constable Kenny MacDonald said: “As is standard procedure when the Local Police Commander in our divisions change, I wrote to the Chief Executive of each of the three local authorities which make up Forth Valley Division on 19 November, advising them that Chief Superintendent Thom McLoughlin was moving on to a new post within Police Scotland.
“In that letter I provided them with biographical information on his replacement, Chief Superintendent Alan Gibson, and sought their views on the change.”