Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign itineraries compared
Where have the Tory and Labour leaders been so far – and why?
As the election campaign enters its final days, the two main party leaders are continuing to follow very different tactics on the ground.
Jeremy Corbyn has spent almost half of his time in Conservative marginal seats.
Some 31 of the 68 campaign visits made by the Labour leader so far have been to Tory constituencies that are on Labour’s target list.

Mr Corbyn has been to only one Tory stronghold – and that was to take part in one of the televised debates.
By contrast, he has made appearances in 16 Labour strongholds, typically for a party rally or to launch a policy.
And he has actually been to slightly more Labour strongholds (16) than Labour marginals (13).
If the Labour leader has focused chiefly on taking the fight into Tory territory, his Tory counterpart has opted for an alternative strategy.

Boris Johnson has been to only 12 Labour marginals so far, out of a total of 54 visits.
He has also been to 10 Labour strongholds.
The Prime Minister’s schedule has covered a broader range of constituencies than that of the Labour leader, including a strikingly large number of visits to marginal seats being defended by his own party (19).
While Mr Corbyn has been to six constituencies being defended by the SNP, Mr Johnson has been to only one (Dunfermline & Fife West).
And while Mr Johnson has been to one Liberal Democrat seat (Brecon & Radnorshire), Mr Corbyn has not been to any.
The Tory leader has also been further afield, visiting seats in Cornwall, north-east England and Northern Ireland.
The Labour leader has instead concentrated the majority of his visits in the Midlands, Yorkshire and north-west England.

Both party leaders will be privy to polling data commissioned by their own parties, and some of this may be determining their choice of campaign visits.
But from the evidence of their itineraries to date, it seems as if Mr Corbyn is treating the election as a battle to be advanced on only one front – against the Conservatives – while Mr Johnson has been playing a mixture of offensive and defensive tactics.