Kim Gun Mo's alleged victim participates in a livestream interview with Garo Sero Institute, states that there is a second victim
by sl278
Kim Gun Mo's alleged sexual assault victim participated in a live stream interview with Youtube channel Garo Sero Institute on December 9.
She revealed the reasons why she decided to come forward with the claims and that there is a shocking truth resulting in another victim.
Lawyers Kim Se Uee and Kang Yong Suk, who are in charge of the channel, will be going forth with submitting their claims against Kim Gun Mo later this week. When asked why she didn't immediately file suit against Kim Gun Mo, she stated: "I wasn't in a situation to do so. I tried really hard to forget. I was very young and wanted to have hope in my future that I would meet someone. I couldn't bring up the courage to do so."
She stated that three years later, she finally developed the courage to come forward, stating: "My family doesn't even know what's going on. They would watch 'My Ugly Duckling' and enjoy the show. But he kept on appearing on TV wearing the same batman shirt he wore when he assaulted me. I suffered a lot of mental pain watching those scenes appear on TV. I have never sought out money. I just want a sincere apology and to know that he will never appear on TV again. There are a lot of people saying that I'm a gold digger but I never asked for money and don't plan on doing so."
It seems like this is just the tip of the iceberg. What do you think?