Društvene mreže se već lagano "pune" fotografijama ovogodišnjih dekoracija. Do kraja decembra skoro da neće biti osobe koja nije na nekom od svojih profila podelila fotografiju okićene jelke...
Ipak, ono što je mnogima zasmetalo jeste potpuno neverovatan trend u kićenju koji je uzeo maha među domaćicama koje se utrkuju u želji da što bolje urade taj "posao". One su, naime, otišle u krajnost, pa su jelke toliko natrpane skupim i ogromnim detaljima da se samo novogodišnje drvo ni ne vidi!
Oni malo tradicionalniji tipovi su osuli paljbu po ovakvom besmislenom trendu i zaključili da takve jelke prikazuju kič, neukus i odsustvo mere i da ih treba zapaliti.
Šta vi kažete? Ima li ovo ikakvog smisla?
Taskers The Home StoreGood morning everyone 🥰☃️🎄 Feeling extra Jolly today, cos it’s officially Christmas month and the build up is in full swing 🥰🎄☃️ Thanks to this lovely customer who sent her images in to us 🥰☃️ isn’t it beautiful? This is our frosted Vermont tree 🎄 Tap the image to shop this look 🥰
Taskers The Home StoreWe are open late nights until 7:30pm ☃️🎄We also have the giveaway live on our page, don’t forget to enter and be in with the chance of winning £200 voucher to spend in store 🥰🎄 You can shop this look on our website https://www.taskersonline.com/
Taskers The Home StoreWe love how creative our customers are when it comes to styling your Christmas trees 🎄 look at this one 🥰☃️🎄 our feather boas look stunning around the bottom and the pink poinsettia just add the perfect amount of pink 🥰👌🏻What do you think? 🥰
Taskers The Home StoreCustomers shot! 🥰☃️ we love it ☃️ It’s so amazing receiving all your images, and sharing them to help inspire others 🥰☃️ Thank you for all the love on our posts and all the comments 🥰You really are an amazing bunch 😊 What are you up to this evening? Are you decorating? ☃️🙌🏼
Pripadnici "stare garde" uzvratili su udarac i potsetili kako je nekada izgledala jelka, kao i da taj način kićenja nameravaju da zadrže, a to bi trebalo otprilike ovako da izgleda...