Crisis: Supergirl Reveals What Gives Her Hope in Powerful Speech
by Dustin PinneySPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 1," the first installment of this year's Arrowverse crossover.
As the CW's monumental “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover kicked off, the Supergirl chapter of the crossover was filled with spectacle, heartbreak and major character revelations. In one of the hour's most quietly revealing moments, Supergirl had a heart-to-heart where she inspired an uncharacteristically down Superman about never losing hope.
Supergirl has always been an optimistic character. She sees the best in others and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep innocent people safe, all while dealing with her own doubts, insecurities and loss. However, she’s never actually explained how she holds onto that hope and optimism in spite of everything - until now.
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As the various Earths of the DC Multiverse are wiped from existence by a deadly wave of antimatter, it collides with Argo City in the universe of Earth-38. That surviving piece of Krypton was where Clark Kent and Lois Lane have been living quietly with their new baby Jonathan alongside Kara’s mother, Alura. When Supergirl sends them a warning with just enough time to get Jonathan on a space pod and launch him to safety, Clark and Lois are transported away by Harbinger. However, everyone else, including Alura, is lost.
While Lois, Brainiac and White Canary search for Jonathan, Superman makes a last stand on Earth-38 with the other heroes of the Arrowverse. In the brief quiet before the inevitable storm, Clark admits to Kara that he feels like he deserves to be punished for thinking he could give up the cape and have everything he ever wanted in Argo City. When she tells him they are going to save everyone, he asks how she could possibly be so hopeful at a time like this.
Supergirl's response captures the optimistic core of her character and distills what has made her story so captivating. She tells her cousin that by never backing down, by always looking forward, they keep the spirit of Krypton alive. When their homeworld was on the verge of being destroyed, their respective parents clung to hope by sending each of them through the vastness of space to live among the humans of Earth. “Krypton’s not just a place,” she said. “It’s a spirit. It’s hope. It’s sacrifice.”
That last-ditch effort to face oblivion to save their children is what motivates Supergirl. She assures Superman, “We have made our parents proud by fighting for what’s right.” Their memory, what they died for, is what keeps Supergirl flying, no matter what the Multiverse throws her way.
While Supergirl's words are already powerful, they're especially meaningful since she says them moments after the death of her mother and the complete annihilation of her alien home. While Crisis has made the Arrowverse's Superman and Supergirl the Last Son and Daughter of Krypton in a way that they never were before, their hope for the future keeps the spirit of the world alive.
"Crisis on Infinite Earths" continues in Batwoman on Monday, Dec. 9 at 8 p.m. ET/PT and in The Flash on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. After the winter hiatus, the crossover will conclude on Tuesday, Jan. 14 in Arrow at 8 p.m. ET/PT and in DC's Legends of Tomorrow at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
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