Letter of the Day: Youth need suicide prevention now
by Reader LettersLetter to the editor from Karen Leis

In the last several weeks, the Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation has experienced what no community should, mourning the lives lost of their young people and fearing who might be next.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death in Canadian youth, with significantly higher rates among Indigenous people, particularly among Inuit and First Nations people living on reserve. In Saskatchewan, a First Nations girl is 29 times more likely to die by suicide than her non-Indigenous peers.
As a general pediatrician practicing in Saskatchewan, I am deeply concerned for the well-being of the children and youth in this province; after all, they are our future, and their health is an indicator of how we are doing as a society.
Unfortunately, Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation is not alone in experiencing the pain of youth suicide recently. Something has to change. And soon. In response to this crisis, Premier Moe and Minister Reiter have appropriately dispatched mental health workers to help families and friends cope with their grief. However, more long term investments need to be made to address the root causes of mental health issues and suicide.
As the Saskatchewan board representative of the Canadian Paediatric Society, I would like to underline that a suicide prevention strategy that ensures effective, accessible and culturally appropriate mental health services is the only way forward. The CPS, and other organizations nationally and internationally, have recognized this type of strategy to be evidence-based and effective.
Karen Leis
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