Huawei to Enter the Windows 10 on ARM Ecosystem? - Gizchina.com
by PierreHuawei to Enter the Windows 10 on ARM Ecosystem?
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Following the Snapdragon 835, Snapdragon 850 and Snapdragon 8cx released in the previous months, American tech giant – Qualcomm – continued to work very closely with Microsoft to explore the concept of “fully connected PCs” even further. This cooperation brought us the freshly released Snapdragon 7c and Snapdragon 8c platforms. Two more SoCs that increase the leadership of Qualcomm in the Windows 10 on ARM ecosystem.
Huawei to Enter the Windows 10 on ARM Ecosystem?

Now, while the cooperation appears to be working well for the two companies, the flip side is that Qualcomm is currently the only tech firm providing a processor for the platform. Thus why some call it “Windows 10 on Snapdragon” instead of its real name “Windows 10 on ARM”.
Qualcomm isn’t the only company interested in the Windows 10 on ARM though. MediaTek and Samsung are currently working to supply a dedicated chip platform for the ecosystem as well. But another brand might be joining the party – Chinese tech giant Huawei.

Huawei would be advantaged by their maturity in the ARM chip design technology, with the additional bonus that the company could use the tech on high-performance servers, instead of just smartphones and IoT products.
Currently, Huawei produces the Huawei Kunpeng D920S10 desktop motherboard. The PC component supports quad-core or eight-core ARM processors and 64GB DDR4-2400 RAM. Plus it has SATA 3.0 ports, PCIe 3.0 slots, USB 3.0 port, USB 2.0 ports a Gigabit Ethernet etc.. Therefore, it wouldn’t be too difficult for Huawei to build a Win10 on ARM machine based on the Kirin or Kunpeng platform.

Either way, at the moment, Windows 10 on ARM only supports 32-bit programs; bringing a worse efficiency compared to the full-on Microsoft Windows OS when running .exe files. Thus Huawei might want to wait to see how things plan out before investing too heavily in the new ecosystem.