Mkango Resources (LON:MKA) Trading 1.4% Higher
by Doug Wharley
Shares of Mkango Resources Ltd (LON:MKA) traded up 1.4% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as GBX 7.30 ($0.10) and last traded at GBX 7.25 ($0.10), 332,122 shares were traded during trading. A decline of 29% from the average session volume of 467,759 shares. The stock had previously closed at GBX 7.15 ($0.09).
The company has a market capitalization of $7.88 million and a P/E ratio of -4.26. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.52, a current ratio of 45.93 and a quick ratio of 45.76. The company has a fifty day moving average price of GBX 7.68 and a two-hundred day moving average price of GBX 7.68.
Mkango Resources Company Profile (LON:MKA)
Mkango Resources Ltd., through its subsidiary, Lancaster Exploration Limited, explores for and develops rare earth elements and associated minerals in the Republic of Malawi, Africa. It explores for uranium, niobium, tantalum, zircon, nickel, and cobalt ores. The company's principal project is the Songwe Hill property within the Phalombe exploration license, which covers an area of 849.1 square kilometers located in southeast Malawi.
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