Salt Debuts Alternative Remote for Apple TV
by iClarifiedSwiss TV and internet provider Salt has launched an alternative remote for the Apple TV.
The remote was purportedly developed in 'close collaboration with Apple' and aims to make navigating tvOS and Salt's Internet TV app easier.
The remote costs 19.95 francs and features all the traditional buttons you'd expect to see including: Power, Menu, Up/Down/Left/Right, OK, Volume Up/Down, Program (Channel) Up/Down, Mute, Fast Forward/Rewind, Play/Pause, Stop, and Skip Forward/Back.
Salt's remote will automatically pair with your Apple TV and can also be used to control your television.
The remote can be purchased in any Salt store. No word yet if there will be a way to purchase in the U.S. but please download the iClarified app or follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and RSS for updates.
Read More [via MacRumors]