Police ask for help to identify unconscious elderly woman found in St Annes
An elderly woman who has been unconscious after falling in St Annes has yet to be identified by the police.
by James GravesOfficers are struggling to identify the woman who fell in Lima Road on Sunday.
She was discovered at around 11pm with ‘serious head injuries’ on the street.
The woman was taken to Royal Preston Hospital by ambulance and her condition is currently described as poorly.
DS Lee Kelly, of West Division Police, said: “We would like to reiterate that, at this time, there is nothing to suggest there are any suspicious circumstances surrounding this lady’s injuries.
“However we are struggling to establish who she is.
“Perhaps you recognise the description and think she may be someone who lives near you, or who you often see in your local area.
“Maybe you were in the Lima Road area last night and think you may have seen her, and are able to tell us which direction she came from.
“If you think you can help us please get in touch with us as soon as possible.”
The woman is described as white, aged between 70 and 80, approximately 5ft 4ins tall, of slim build, with shoulder length grey/silver hair.
When she was found she was wearing a navy-coloured coat, dark blue denim jeans, a white patterned blouse and a pair of boat shoes.
Police maintained a presence at the scene yesterday with a police car remaining where the woman fell with police tape around the pavement.
Anybody with information is asked to get in touch with police by calling either 101 or (01253) 604153, or email 3364@lancashire.pnn.police.uk, quoting log number 1474 of December 8.
Alternatively call independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at crimestoppers-uk.org.