The actor turned 103 yesterday (8 December), and among those to publicly pay tribute to the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Spartacus star was his daughter-in-law, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Zeta-Jones, who is married to Kirk’s son Michael Douglas, posted a recent picture of herself with Kirk on Instagram with the caption: ‘This guy on my knee, is 103!
‘Happy Birthday Pappy!!! I love you with all my heart.’
Zeta-Jones’ husband Michael Douglas and his father share a moment in 2018 (Picture: VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
After revealing that Kirk was growing tired of big birthday parties following the grand bash they held for his 100th in 2016, Michael joked to Jimmy Kimmel last month: ‘So now [Kirk’s] begging me [not to throw a party], he’s got tears down his eyes.
‘”Let’s just have dinner, the family together. Bring the kids.”‘
The man’s 103, Michael: give him this one. After all, he doesn’t ask for much.
Kirk and Michael Douglas (Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
Kirk has, in fact, made it a tradition in recent years to donate to charitable causes on his birthday.
‘Anne [Buydens, his wife] and I always use these happy occasions to give presents to the institutions we support through our foundation,’ he explained in 2016.
‘Giving is a selfish act, I maintain, because it makes you feel so good.’
What a gem. Happy Birthday, Kirk!
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