Trials of Mana trailer shines the spotlight on Angela and Duran
by Aran SuddiSquare Enix has released a brand new trailer for Trials of Mana which looks at two of the game’s characters, with those being Angela and Duran. Duran is a soldier from Valsena who is looking to get revenge on the Crimson Wizard. Angela is a princess of Altena who has is a magician and is another one of the game’s heroes. There will be six heroes in total with the other four getting trailers in the near future.
Trials of Mana is a remake of Seiken Densetsu 3 which originally released in Japan in 1995, and then the original was released in the Collection of Mana for Switch. The remake adds real time combat and updated gameplay systems. A release date has been confirmed as April 24th, 2020 for PS4, Switch, and PC.
Those who buy the game by May 21st will get the Rabite Adornment item which will increase the XP gained by party members up until they reach level 10.
Source: Press Release