Reader Forum: They're no longer doubting Maximum Security
by Ryan Dickey
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Last weekend, Maximum Security continued a likely ascent to 3-year old champion male status by capturing the Cigar Mile. Here's a glance at some of the HRN reader reaction.
Responding to an assertion that Spun to Run would get to the lead early based off of recent workouts, leo r respectfully disagreed, stating he felt Maximum Security, though the high weight, could carry his speed and would win in gate-to-wire fashion.

After the race, user Chris Miskell opined that he had plenty of doubts about Maximum Security in the past, but the Cigar Mile victory changed all of that.

One of the nearly 900 comments following the Cigar Mile victory for Maximum Security, user Pebbles offered congratulations to the winner and his connections after a rollercoaster season.

And finally, user MaiyaDay provided some insight on the Beyer Speed Figure attached to the Cigar Mile victor as well as tough luck second place finisher Spun to Run, who tracked Maximum Security for the entirety of the race.