Dumbarton council offices turn green for children's charity
Dumbarton Academy building in the town’s Church Street was bathed in green light, to highlight an NSPCC campaign
by Jenny Foulds, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/jenny-foulds/Dumbarton’s council HQ took on a green tinge at the weekend, in the name of charity.
The former Dumbarton Academy building in the town’s Church Street was bathed in green light, to highlight an NSPCC campaign.
Charity bosses rallied support from landmarks to back their seasonal ‘Light for Every Childhood’ initiative.
The organisation aims to shine a spotlight on child neglect and abuse by illuminating notable sights, including the Grade A listed former school - now part of West Dunbartonshire Council’s complex.
Clydebank’s riverside Titan Crane also featured.
Paul Cockram, Head of Fundraising at NSPCC Scotland, said: “They both looked amazing and we’re extremely grateful for this support that is helping raise awareness of our Christmas campaign, which is bringing in vital funds to help us protect more children from abuse and neglect.
Residents are also being encouraged to ‘Get Your Sparkle On’ and wear sparkly accessories or craft twinkly goods for sale on December 11 to boost funds.
Added Paul: “Anyone who would like to help us raise funds, can take part in sparkling up their festivities on December 11.”
Every year specially-trained counsellors from the organisation respond to thousands of calls from children struggling to cope.
The charity, which aims to combat abuse and neglect, says one in three calls to its Childline service goes unawswered, while just £4 pays for a call.
For more information on how to donate or how you can get involved with Get Your Sparkle On go to www.nspcc.org.uk
Adults worried about a child’s welfare can call the NSPCC’s Helpline 24/7 on 0808 800 5000.
Children and young people can call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit www.childline.org.uk