Tackling the key issues - our manifesto for West Dunbartonshire
Voters head to the polls this Thursday and the Lennox Herald has identified what we believe are the key issues the successful candidate needs to address.
by Fraser Clarke, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/fraser-clarke/Where you mark your cross on December 12 could have a major impact on the future for West Dunbartonshire.
The area has some of the highest rates of drug use, alcohol abuse and poverty in the country, whilst the unemployment rankings sit above the Scottish average.
That has to change if West Dunbartonshire is to reach its full potential.
That is why the Lennox Herald has spoken to leading community figures to establish a manifesto we would like to see whoever is elected follow, and asked each candidate to address the five key points we have raised.
The Lennox Herald's Manifesto for West Dunbartonshire
- West Dunbartonshire must see real action taken to reduce current rates that see an estimated 5000 children living in poverty and projects like West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare handing out more than 230 emergency food bags each week. ● We need more supporting for policies to raise awareness around the dangers of alcohol that has lead to 40 percent more people in Dumbarton the Vale losing their lives due to alcoholism than the Scottish average. ● Greater funding support for local community based groups focused on supporting people with addiction in West Dunbartonshire is called for, ahead of what has been labelled “the perfect storm for addiction” by Alternatives’ general manager Donnie McGilveray. ● More action must be taken to lessen the negative impact that Universal Credit has had on residents, which has been labelled “unfair” by the Citizens Advice Bureau - particularly the lengthy delays for first payments that can leave families reliant on loans and unsure over their future payments. ● We are also calling for clarity on the future role of HMNB Clyde (Faslane) which is a major employer locally both for those working in the Ministry of Defence and civilian workers.
Shocking figures released in May showed that almost a quarter of children in West Dunbartonshire are living in poverty, with this figure projected to rise further - to a third - by next year.
Projects like West Dunbartonshire Community Foodshare perform a remarkable role in society, but they should not be relied on by a fast-growing number of families every week locally.
Clair Coyle from Foodshare told us: “What we’re seeing across each of our projects is a rise of about 20 percent, we won’t get the figures for 2019 until about January, but across the board the rise in demand is about 20 percent consistently.
“The benefits families are receiving are horribly low, wages and benefits are stagnating and bills are increasing.”
West Dunbartonshire also has a troublesome relationship with alcohol, with shocking figures released last year showing the number of deaths from alcohol abuse soaring 40 per cent above the Scottish average.
Mags Mackenzie, chief executive of the Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol, told us: “Here at DACA we see the human cost of alcohol abuse, and we know that the poorest in society are disproportionately affected.
“We want a legislative approach to pricing, minimum pricing is a good start - increasing taxes and duties above inflation would be a further good step because a key way to reduce consumption has been shown to increase prices.
“Four out of the six candidates are supporting the campaign to reduce the duty on Scotch whisky.
“Only the Greens and the independent Andrew Muir aren’t - that’s very disappointing.
“We want changes to be made to packaging, showing units and calories and with a health warning same as on tobacco to better educate the population to the dangers of alcohol to the wider population.”
Drug and substance abuse is also a serious issue locally, with Donnie McGilveray, general manager at Alternatives West Dunbartonshire, warning that worse could be to follow.
He told the Lennox: “There’s a perfect storm coming. We’ve got much more ease of access to illegal and prescribed drugs than before. We have a break down in community, isolation, poverty, foodbanks and Universal Credit.
“We need to be looking at recovery journeys - we have clear evidence that recovery works because it’s vital that we get people into a social, economic and psychological solution.
“We need to return people to education and employment. It’s not as simple as just putting down drugs, it’s about giving people a meaning in life.
“But as a third sector organisation we find funding very difficult.
“The procurement process funds big national organisations who don’t have a place in the community like we do, they tend to promise everything but then can’t turn that into reality.
“They have teams who are dedicated to writing up tender bids and that seems to give them the edge.
“Local communities know the local area. That’s where the support should be.”
And all of the above issues can be linked with the rollout of Universal Credit, say CAB bosses.
The controversial policy’s introduction provided challenges for some of the most vulnerable in West Dunbartonshire, and has been labelled “unfair” by Citizens’ Advice Dumbarton manager Joe McCormack.
Its payment system, which can leave claimants being paid in a lump sum, has also been described as a “death warrant for drug users” by Donnie McGilveray.
We believe that something must be done to lessen the impact the system can have on those in the local area, and that whoever is elected should place themselves at the forefront of rethinking or reforming the system.
Further to this we also asked each candidate for clarification as to the future role of HMNB Clyde at Faslane.
Not only is this a major employer locally, it is also one that could have its future directly altered by the decision taken on December 12.
Over to you, West Dunbartonshire. Make your voice count.
How the candidates responded
Martin Docherty - SNP

"Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands’ was the theme of the SNP’s national manifesto launched just a few days ago, and it’s great to have the chance to lay out my manifesto for West Dunbartonshire.
Because we all know - in part thanks to the vital reporting done by newspapers like the Lennox Herald – that so many across the constituency need the powers to help address the issues they face every day.
Austerity has been an untold disaster for so many, and not only halting, but reversing the consequences of this lost decade which has left 5000 children in West Dunbartonshire in poverty is at the centre of my campaign. The most recent demonstration of this has been the disastrous roll out of Universal Credit which we must reform – the UK Government would do well to learn from the Scottish Government’s approach to benefits which puts fairness and decency at its heart.
A perfect example of how Westminster has held Scotland back can be seen through its treatment of addiction services. We desperately need the powers to take a different approach to address the public health emergency around substance abuse issues.
Since being elected in 2015 I have witnessed first hand the valuable work carried out by organisations across West Dunbartonshire such as Alternatives WD and Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol who seek to support the most vulnerable in our community; these are the organisations that need the powers that the Tory Government is refusing to give Scotland.
Having worked locally in the voluntary sector for a number of years, I have always maintained that local issues are best tackled by those who know best in the local community - these organisations lead the way in fighting the effects of Tory austerity and if re-elected I will continue to offer them my full support.
Naval Base Clyde has a bright and prosperous future as the tri-service headquarters of an Independent Scotland’s armed forces, providing sustainable employment for people who will contribute to the local economy. This will be part of a conventional defence posture that will enhance Scotland’s security and that of our neighbours and allies."
Jean Anne Mitchell - Labour

"As your Scottish Labour Candidate, I am absolutely determined to tackle some of the long-standing concerns and issues affecting our communities.
Austerity has ruined peoples’ lives and it must stop now.
I am the only anti-austerity candidate in West Dunbartonshire.
I am proud of the Labour Manifesto that puts people first and wants to invest in you and our community.
Children living in poverty is shameful. To tackle this issue head on, Labour will increase the living wage to £10 per hour which puts extra cash into the pockets of parents. In addition, free school meals will be available to all children 365 days a year. A £5 per week increase in child benefit will further help many families. The SNP buckled on this when they had the chance to deliver real change now.
Scrapping Universal Credit is perhaps the single most positive action to tackling poverty. It is a punitive, punishing system that does not protect the vulnerable.
Waiting five weeks for a claim which claimants then must take out loans and repay, is disgusting. Our foodbanks and locally supportive businesses have stepped up to the mark and been that safety net.
Under a Labour Government, Scotland will receive £2 billion extra in health funding.
I want to see increased resources for community-based interventions and restoration of alcohol and drug partnerships’ funding levels to replace the over £40 million of real terms cuts that services have faced since 2014/15.
Crucially, addiction services need to be better integrated with mental health treatment as both are often linked with people suffering multiple complex health issues.
I support any attempts to increase awareness of the dangers of addictions and the health board need to increase their campaigns in West Dunbartonshire to ensure everyone knows that help is available.
Faslane is a major employer locally with plans for further highly skilled, well paid jobs as part of expansion plans. This is great news and a vote of confidence in the skills we have locally.
I will never support the closing of the base if elected as your MP."
Alix Mathieson - Conservatives

"The increase in the use of food banks is something no wants to see happening. There is a wide range of social issues surrounding people living in poverty and the reasons for the use of food banks. We must tackle the social issues as a whole in education, health, addiction and crime in order to improve people’s lives and lift them out of poverty.
Addiction is a subject close to my heart, as my mother has worked in this area for over 20 years. I have seen up close the damage it causes to families whether that is through alcoholism, drugs or gambling. We must support our charities who carry out this vital work, like Alternatives who provide a fantastic service in West Dunbartonshire. I would like to see increased investment in rehabilitation programmes across Scotland.
Universal Credit has room for improvement as it is a new system. It had cross-party support upon its introduction because of the complexity of the previous system. The SNP Government were offered welfare as a devolved power on numerous occasions and have continually returned these to Westminster. If the SNP Government felt so strongly about this they would take control for the people of Scotland but it is far easier to blame someone else.
I am a passionate supporter of our armed forces and veterans. Our nuclear deterrent is vital to keeping us safe in an uncertain world. I pledge to support the renewal of Trident and protect the 12,000 jobs that rely on HMNB Clyde. The base is expanding with 2,000 new personnel. I am supporting the council in their bid for 600 of those families to live in West Dunbartonshire. I will also promote the apprenticeships that the base provide. The loss of the base would have a detrimental effect here."
Peter Connolly - Scottish Green Party

"Poverty is a human creation, a product of austerity - and the totally unacceptable levels of child poverty and need for foodbanks in West Dunbartonshire are a direct result of the Tory/Lib Dem introduction of austerity, which punished the poor for the recklessness of wealthy financiers.
Wages have gone down in real terms, the cost of living has risen and now Brexit threatens to make it all a lot worse.
Poverty, in turn, creates a helplessness which creates the conditions for poor mental health, drug and alcohol misuse. By turning our economy around to rebuild our public sector and focus on tackling the climate emergency, a Scottish Green New Deal could tackle the root cause of all these things. Greens would treat drugs as a public health issue to take the money out of the hands of gangsters and treat victims with compassion. The war on drugs has failed.
Universal Credit is a part of the same cruel austerity economics which punishes those already struggling. Scottish Green MSPs have already ensured that Scotland’s devolved welfare system will be rid of humiliating assessments and sanctions. Benefits claimants deserve to be treated with dignity and their rights respected. The UK Government has done the exact opposite.
We need to create a more equal society- Greens would restrict the pay of CEOs and pay everyone a living wage.
It is the horrendously wealthy that have the biggest carbon footprint. They should pay for our future. Meanwhile, Scotland knows what happens when governments don’t plan for the future of communities. A Scottish Green New Deal would start to build a future for all of us now, creating thousands of jobs in low carbon alternatives.
Nuclear weapons are an immoral, dangerous and expensive relic of the cold war and must be scrapped. They make the world a more dangerous place and pose a constant risk to people locally. But jobs should be protected: Faslane must be converted to a conventional navy base and transferable skills used to grow the renewable energy industry.
I fully back the Lennox Herald’s manifesto."
Andrew Muir - Independent

"The issues of poverty, foodbanks, alcoholism, addictions and Universal Credit are all connected. There is a terrible rich/poor divide and lack of amenities in the area.
Every adult citizen of the UK should have a minimum Universal Basic Income of say £10,000 pa. To pay for this we need to be much tougher on value for money from the rich.
I am all for encouraging entrepreneurs e.g. Denny’s, Singer’s who have provided jobs in the past for the area but I don’t see the value in paying high salaries and benefits for under performing council officers. The highest paid West Dunbartonshire officers should have part of their salary each year made subject to a public approval rating.
The place is rundown since the police and courts are very poor at dealing with crime, with many crimes being deemed “complex and difficult” and it either being too expensive to get legal representation or the prosecution barrier being too high.
A lot of the well–paid people in Dumbarton don’t live in the area, sucking the life from the community.
I consider myself well educated and have got a lot of ideas but the major parties don’t want me e.g. the SNP only want people who wish to talk about Independence and Brexit.
People with addiction need counselling but instead we get the medical model with its expensive legal fees and we need a sunshine act to expose the drugs industry.
The “big expenses” must be stopped e.g. Trident, Prince Andrew, final salary pensions, the Mental Health Act.
The SNP usually blame poverty on Westminster austerity but the Labour and SNP led council has been involved in the Public Finance Initiative where buildings are paid over many years, saddling the area with debt.
I am against nuclear weapons from a moral, financial and environmental point of view. Our climate has changed so much - we have to save the planet. We should retain the base for conventional defence only."
We offered the Liberal Democrat candidate Jenni Lang the opportunity to comment, however she did not offer her input.
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