Greta Thunberg leads scientists in shunning flights for top climate conference
by Jen MillsGreta Thunberg has urged the media to pay attention to other young activists as she appeared at a UN climate meeting in Madrid.
The 16-year-old Swede sailed back across the Atlantic last week, having originally sailed to New York in August to attend climate conferences in America and Chile.
She is trying to cut down her own carbon emissions by avoiding flying.
Before setting off on her return trip, she said: ‘I’m not telling anyone else what to do or what not to do.
‘I want to put focus on the fact that you basically can’t live sustainable today.
‘It’s practically impossible.’

Speaking at the conference in Madrid, she said: ‘Our stories have been told over and over again. There is no need to listen to us anymore.’
‘It is people especially from the global south, especially from indigenous communities, who need to tell their stories,’ she said before handing the microphone to other young activists from the United States, the Philippines, Russia, Uganda, China and the Marshall Islands.
Miss Thunberg has been a high profile attendee of the conference so far.
She left a protest march through the Spanish capital early after being mobbed by crowds of protesters and reporters on Friday.