Sonko Arrest: Court Makes Decision on Bail Application
by Eddy MwanzaNairobi Governor Mike Sonko is set to remain in police custody for at least two more days, following the decision made by Nairobi Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti on Monday, December 9.
The court stated that it would rule on the embattled governor's bail terms on Wednesday, December 11.
However, speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, county communications director, Jacob Elkana, claimed that the chief magistrate had also allowed the governor to seek medical attention.
"Anti-Corruption Court Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti has allowed Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko to seek medical attention as he sets to deliver bail application ruling on Wednesday. Sonko's lawyers told the court that the governor is having suspected broken ribs inflicted on him by a police officer during his arrest," read the statement shared by Elkana.

Magistrate Ogoti stated that the governor's medical needs must be verified and confirmed by the prison warden.
On December 7, Sonko's communication team claimed that the county chief was tortured by police officers and was in urgent need of medical attention.
Sonko’s lawyer, Harrison Kinyanjui, called for the arrest of a police officer who was captured on camera beating up the city boss.
“It is embarrassing that this happened to our beloved governor who now urgently needs medication because of the inhumane way he was treated by rogue police officers,” read an excerpt of the statement from Sonko's team.
The lawyer also claimed that Sonko was physically injured to a point where he limped in pain during his dramatic arrest.
In a statement sent to newsrooms on Sunday, December 8, the council of Governors launched a passionate appeal to President Uhuru Kenyatta to step in and rescue the situation from further deterioration.

Noting the central role that the county government plays, the council of governors expressed their fears that the economy would suffer a huge blow should intervention not be forged as soon as possible.
The president on his part, while addressing congregants at the St. Francis of Assis Parish Church in Ruiru, Kiambu County, on December 8, distanced himself from any leader accused of corrupt dealings, reiterating that he would not be taking calls from the accused.
"Wakati ulikuwa unafanya mambo ya ufisadi, hukuwa na familia, hukuwa na jamii, uliiba peke yako, beba msalaba pekee yako," losely translating to, When you were carrying out your corrupt dealing, you never had your family nor your community beside you. You stole alone so just carry your own cross," he stated.