Madison Refugee Union, Jewish Social Services rally for refugee resettlement
by Gabriella BacharaMADISON, Wis. - The Madison Refugee Union and Jewish Social Services rallied at the Capitol on Sunday to spread awareness of the refugees resettling in the city.
In November, President Donald Trump approved a plan to limit the number of refugees in the United Staes to 18,000 in 2020.
Director of Refugee Resettlement for Jewish Social Services Becca Schwartz said limiting the number of refugees isn't best for the community.
"Refugees make the community a richer, more diverse place," Schwartz said. "Immigrants in general start businesses at a much higher rate than native-born Americans."
Dane County Republican Party Chairman Scott Grabins said it is important for the president to determine the number of refugees who can enter the country.
"Certainly some years, there may be a smaller number of refugees that need to be admitted," Grabins said. "Other years, it may be a larger number due to various world events."
Dalia Abdulmalik, a refugee from Iraq, said the limit is unfair and thinks more people should be given the chance to live in the United States. She has lived in Madison for three years and said the transition wasn't easy.
"It needs a lot of patience and persistence," Abdulmalik said.
Abdulmalik is waiting for her husband to be able to move from Iraq to join her.
"The processing time for me to bring my husband takes two to three years," Abdulmalik said. "It's really frustrating."
Despite the hardships, Abdulmalik said the move is worth it.